
No way does he have the patience to slowly penetrate the market like Fox News did 20+ years ago (plus, as the name tells you, Fox News was not personally funded by a fake billionaire but by a very established entertainment company that already had deals with cable/sat providers). Trump TV will not be competing with

I don’t know how she doesn’t just go into a lecture on the functioning of government every time. Like every time he went on about how why she didn’t fix anything as First Lady of Arkansas/the US or as a Senator, I’m in awe of her ability to not just stand there and give a run down of how laws get made. Like a civics

I would immediately boycott any advertiser who buys air time on TrumpTV. Trouble is, I’m not in the market for gold, and I prefer to make my own chocolate-covered berries, so my boycott may not have much effect.

I love that she was sharing her “can you believe this shit?” face with the entire nation.

She could have been part of a Jim - Pam - Hillary love triangle. Missed opportunity.

Fuck yeah, let’s get this party started!

Obama wasn’t shot at, but all the hidden racism boiled over in the form of a lot of black men getting shot by cops. I’m guessing a Hillary Clinton presidency will lead to a definite uptick in angry men beating their wives.

OMG that gif is priceless!

oh my god, she’s like a living breathing Jim Halpert.

Take solace in the fact that this doofus is not going to get anywhere NEAR Clinton, and will certainly not assassinate her. It’s *really* not easy to take out a president. The last time anyone was even successful in an attempt was Hinckley, in 1981.

Yes I did notice a lot of this hard staring at someone in the audience (Bill?) - it’s the look you give your best friend when you’re at a party and someone is being an ass but you can’t say anything out loud, but you both know it. My siblings and I call this expression ‘Mom’s scary face’. When we did something really

Remember how many of us were like, “I hope Obama doesn’t get assassinated during his inaugeration.” Well, I wish I could say I am not thinking the same about Clinton. 

There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

I don’t know how she kept her cool. There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow. Every attack he tried to make about her ‘illegal’ activities, bad foreign policy record, and her husband could easily have been turned around and she could have thrown so much dirt in Trump’s face - things that we all know to

I’ve spoken about my Trumpette sister many times this election season. Today, she told me Trump ran away with the debate and she and her man cheered him on. And that HRC speaking is like nails on a blackboard. I don’t know what universe she lives in.

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

I hope it fails so fucking hard. Fox News is juuuust enough of a journalist outfit to pass muster. Trump TV will only be filled with Looney Goons and jamokes of a various sort. No self-respecting person would watch.

No, his TV channel would fail. Did you know that Sarah Palin had a TV channel? Well, she did, briefly. Hell, even OPRAH’s OWN channel has struggled to stay afloat, and she’s OPRAH.

I thought Trump and Ailes already broke up? I hope there’s a messy lawsuit over ownership of TrumpTV.