I don’t have any problem with what he said about Heather Heyer or anyone who has died for civil rights or actually has skin in the game.
I don’t have any problem with what he said about Heather Heyer or anyone who has died for civil rights or actually has skin in the game.
Being paid to work around Black people is not the same as loving them so you can really cut that out of all your spiels moving forward. Maybe if you marry a Black person and that’s a maybe because we see plenty of white people in relationships with Black people who don’t get it. Maybe if you have Black kids but the…
who are self righteous and wanna help us
I agree with the general idea of what Spike is saying, but I also think black and white people take allyship for granted in a lot of ways. I definitely appreciate any white person who is willing to use their privilege to speak up for POC, especially when there aren’t any POC around when they’re doing it, but for me…
Anyone who is concerned with being called or referred to as an “ally” is doing it wrong. Anyone who gives a shit about being “invited to the cookout” is doing it wrong.
The resentment is real. I generally want everybody—beloved family included—to back the fuck off.
Fashion designer Christian Siriano is one of America’s most beloved fashion designers. He first won our hearts with…
I am the black mom of 2 biracial kids (both young) and I am interested in how/if the role of gender and color are discussed. My black appearing daughter has a black mom and her experience is VERY different from biracial girls she knows who have white moms. I’m wondering if this is common or just lucky for us.
That’s me. I’m from this generation. I look forward to it.
Sounds like you have your own issues to deal with. I have a African American dad and an Italian mom and I am comfortable with who I am and I won’t let anyone black or white take that away from me.
Doesn’t sound like any bi-racial person I’ve met. And if someone is Black American and Irish then why can’t they tell you so. Sounds like you’ve met some Black folk that want to be something other than and not actual bi-racial people who have parents of different races/cultures.
So far, they’ve chosen a great, thoughtful group of people to speak. I wonder if they will delve into the differences between those reared in mostly black, white, or mixed environments, or include statements from people who are less thoughtful for balance (for accurracy’s sake, not b/c those perspectives need any more…
I look forward to this. I would love to hear the experiences of other bi-racial people. It’s difficult to grow up as the projections of other’s insecurities and finding an identity as bi-racial and having pride in that. Incidentally I hate, hate, hate the idea that we are all “mixed” ummm no. Nope. No. That’s just a…
Agreed. And I feel that some of the predatory sexual behaviour of Samantha might viewed a little differently now - it would be too old cougar can’t grow up. They really didn’t put too much work into defining the rest of that character.
Its moment has definitely passed. Not just because of the age of the women, but because the ethos of ravenous conspicuous consumption really doesn’t fit in anymore. SATC was of a time and a place and it should stay there.
Yes. And business is the root of why Kim and SJP are not friends, going way back. SJP was a producer on the show, raking in royalties from DVDs, books, syndication etc., and Kim was stuck with her original contract for a few years. Kim rightly saw herself as a key part of the show’s success, and did what anyone…
Why should Cattrall want to make SATC 3? Samantha was a joke in SATC 2 — Crazy, Horny, Old Menopause Lady saying things like “Lawrence of my labia”. The character was treated really disrespectfully. I wouldn’t be on board with another movie that resurrected the strong, fierce, sexually-free character of Samantha just…
I don’t believe anyone who is close friends with Andy Cohen is a nice person.
I feel like SJP is the woman who just always has to be friends with everyone and needs to be liked...she wants to talk to you about her personal life and personal problems after knowing you for two weeks and she doesn’t understand when others don’t have that same enthusiasm for sharing their lives.
Damn SJP plays that wolf is sheep’s clothing well! She spent years trashing, taking away money from and creating terrible storylines for Samantha and now she is heartbroken Kim Cattrell said they were never friends. I have to side-eye SJP to oblivion because her history of being with terrible men, being bff with this…