
Definitely tried that. Gave up that tactic more recently than I’d care to admit.

I already like where this is going. I’m a 38 year old biracial black woman. My black mother and white father informed me from an early age that mixed = black. I grew up when there was no “other” box or the ability to check multiple races. I won’t pretend I didn’t experience some confusion as a child and again as a

It wasn’t long ago that John Burge shit went down here in Chicago and they found that police black site. But nothing’s really changed. No amount of press or public outrage or jail time for these pos is going to make a difference. The system needs to be completely overhauled, and I don’t know how something like that

I watched it first thing this morning and I’m still so hyped! Had me all in my middle school feels.

“but you are exactly the type of black woman (educationally/financially/class etc) who should be raising the next generation if we are to survive America’s madness.”

This is incredible; it echoes not only my recent thoughts, but a conversation I had with someone a couple days ago. He, too, mentioned that his choice to have kids was due to wanting to leave a legacy, and I find that so unsettling. Selfish, even.

I have so much to say on this.

About my mother’s own love/hate push/pull around my lightness and “good hair” (her words).

About being fetishized by men of all races for being light — but mostly by black men.

About feeling disturbed by the attention my skin afforded me, yet still absorbing society’s message that my

I recognize this article is two years old, but I just discovered it and I had to stop reading it to come here and comment on the fact that she named her sons Hunter and Forrest. Hunter Green and Forrest Green.

I suppose his speech could be called decent if it wasn’t hollow and rife with cliches. We all know he covered up the shooting in order to get reelected, and this speech was him giving us the literal crumbs from his table to appease us.

Rahm’s a garbage person, straight up.

Healing? What? I listened to it, and honestly? He could have just stood at that podium silently for the duration and it would have been the equivalent of his speech: absolutely nothing was said.

Cowl necks are my jam.

I would rock the fuck out of a bunch of these outfits, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Somebody get me that rabbit coat, let me show you.

What’s also awesome about this is that he was basically like, “So yeah guys, I used to be a spy."

Fox News: You’ll Believe Anything.

This is some Berenstain Bears-level shit.

Can she stick her tongue back in her mouth already? Good lord that shit’s annoying.

One of the best lines Big ever spoke.

Reneé’s middle name is Elise.

Right? In the movie, when they’re in counseling because he had sex with someone else, I kept waiting for him to bring up how she talks to him like a shitty child half the time. Ugh. She was my least favorite character.