Not to mention that a white, rich elitist like Romney could care less about helping the overwhelming majority of Americans. It's all about make sure the rich keep getting richer for him.
Not to mention that a white, rich elitist like Romney could care less about helping the overwhelming majority of Americans. It's all about make sure the rich keep getting richer for him.
Yes, but of course no one actually engages in premarital sex these days anyway. I mean, all that abstinence-only education has paid off. Right? Right?
For anyone who wants to hear some real solutions to rape prevention, I highly, highly, highly recommend the book Yes Means Yes ( The main crux of this book is that the lack of a clear "no" from the woman does not equal consent for sex. As in, maybe…
I know what you mean. I was shocked once when I told a friend it's rape if, while he's in the act of p-in-v intercourse the woman withdraws consent, but the guy continues anyway. He was truly shocked doing something like that was wrong.
One more edit, because anti-choicers f*cking drive me batshit...
This mentality is a bi-product (or cause?) of rape culture. Ultimately, women cannot own their sexuality—only men can. Women's bodies are always "available" for men's "consumption," and women who don't comply are punished (see victim blaming post sexual assault). It's effing disgusting.
"there should be a way crazies don't get access to large weapons"
My apologies for (wrongly) assuming you didn't know what you were talking about.
Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about. As a mother of two, I can assure you that continuing to breastfeed past 12 months (around the time children first start walking) is not because we're selfish or want to lose the baby fat. If a child doesn't want to breastfeed, he or she will refuse to latch to the…
Love this!
Interesting how Obama Psychosis overwhelmingly afflicts older, affluent, (purportedly) straight, white penis-havers who seem very resentful those who don't look like them want to be treated equally. The audacity.
Yes, that theme is a big reason I have a profound aversion to the entire Twilight series.
THIS: "The man, however, is totally cool and can to whatever the fuck he wants" makes me stabby.
But what about lawmakers' freedom to freely impose their anti-free-loving religious beliefs on me? I mean, they clearly have a right to freely restrict my freedom!
Just a little observation for those screaming "censorship" when people call Tosh out on his insensitive (and threatening) "jokes." The way he responded to this woman's criticism of his stand up could be considered a form of censorship. By obliquely threatening her, he was in effect telling her what she could and…
Exactly. I get so damn sick of anti-choicers failing to recognize that MEN play a role in the whole pregnancy thing too. Of course, at the core of it, they want to shame women for being autonomous and taking control of their sexuality, not because these women are ending a "life."
Why hasn't anyone thought of HIS actions before he was punched? Like why was he out late at night—drunk, no less? And I bet he was wearing something that threatened the lady and made it so she couldn't help but punch him. In fact, he probably even WANTED to be punched, but then lied about it after the fact since he…
Thanks for this excellent illustration of rape culture.
Ugh, what an atrocious story from your sister! And I totally agree. I don't get these people either—the ones that use the anonymity of the Internet to act out their grandest visions of being The World's Biggest Douche Bag. I can only imagine people who do this crap have miserable lives, with miserable jobs and are…