
It seems like the jury is still out on this one. My OB for my first child said no NSAIDs. The OB for my second child (different office entirely) said Motrin was okay after the first trimester (she didn't specify if I should avoid it late in pregnancy). Both doctors are well educated and well regarded. Still, to be

This stupid #personhood movement is beyond infuriating. It's so exceptionally paternalistic and beyond arrogant to believe that a pregnancy (or person, in their view) doesn't exist until the man contributes his tiny microscopic sperm. That view not only discounts the far more significant (and potentially

For a thorough discussion of this very topic, I recommend reading Yes Means Yes. It's a compilation of essays surrounding rape in our culture, its causes and how we can change things. Excellent read.

The worst I've experienced with my two kids is an afternoon/evening of a low grade fever and some crankiness. That was it.

These shit seriously scares me, guys. Should I be stockpiling cash now and planning an escape route to Canada for the (inevitable) day Handmaid's Tale comes true? And I have to wonder of these misogynistic ass hats: why are you so threatened of female sexuality that you have to forcefully, and in a sense violently,

I have two children and can only imagine the heartbreak your cousin and her husband must be feeling. She has to live each day—getting bigger, having the same pregnancy symptoms and feeling the baby's movements—knowing she will never meet the child growing inside her. And all the while, this will exact a greater

They want a large proletariat to boss around and keep poor, subjugated and uneducated. That way, there will be more poor people, exhausted from working 3 jobs to feed their kids, plus fewer resources to care for and educate said kids. In turn, these folks won't notice or understand what the politicians are really

Good points. Also, unwanted children may be at more risk of being physically or emotionally abused (my opinion, feel free to disagree—at the very least, unwanted kids may strain parents financially and emotionally, which could in turn lead to abuse). So hey, let's get on with more abusin' of kids, pro lifers!

From my understanding—at least in situations similar to mine—the child chosen to receive all the negativity and blame in the family is the one the parent is most envious of. My mother is a malignant narcissist and found certain traits within me "unacceptable." I'm guessing my ability to empathize and my strong sense

Well there's always the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: [] One of their tenets: they are fond of beer.

Sounds like a nightmare! If you find yourself re-living or continually remembering the unkind/cruel words and actions of your dad, I'd recommend EMDR ( It helped me really see and understand why my mom spent my entire life hating me and that none of the abuse I got was my fault. Good luck in your current

I agree with you. That explanation sounds like complete bullshit. Gotta love evo-psych mansplaining!

I found having children very eye-opening, and even therapeutic, regarding the years of emotional abuse my mom spewed at me. How wonderful you recognize how horrid your mom was to you and that you will now "break the chain" of abuse once you have your child. I'm sure you'll love being a mom.

No, it's way more severe than that. Rejection as in what my mom did to me: told me constantly I was wrong to feel whatever I felt, told me she couldn't stand to be around me anymore, blame me for ALL of the problems in our highly dysfunctional family, tell me I'm a horribly selfish and pigheaded person (for daring to

This sounds very much like my own experience: horribly cruel, critical and emotionally distant mother plus me as "black sheep" and sis as Golden Child. Ugh. It took many therapy sessions and EMDR (, but now I FINALLY see the root of all my relationship and career problems and my chronic sense I was

That exists already: it's called logic.

Aaaand reason number 236 that I'm vegan. What an adorable piggie!

Oh, so that's what I need to rid my house of the perpetual spit-up courtesy of my reflux-ridden 4-month-old. The doggie adoption shelter it is!

I love all of your comments here, but this in particular is dead on: