
This is a beautiful piece that perfectly encapsulates how I’ve felt most of my adult life but especially now after Cheeto Voldemort was elected. I’m so glad I’m Buddhist — chanting regularly plus reading Jez commenters are pretty much the only things keeping me sane these days. Oh, that and the occasional Muay

Is some of this at least due to the scales being incorrectly calibrated (either intentionally or not, who knows)? What a load of BS. And this is why I stick to Sprouts instead of blowing $90 for a bag of apples and some soy jerky at Whole Paycheck.

I was totally skeptical before trying it, but after several months, I’ve come to LOVE my acupuncturist. He’s helped me with muscle/neck pain, insomnia, allergies and even tinnitus (ear ringing). I could totally see being wary of trying it, though, because some of the needle placements can be intense and even painful.

I completely agree. Sensitivity and intuition are severely undervalued in our culture. As someone who is highly sensitive to others and my environment, my cruel narcissistic mother took great delight in (trying to) destroy me as a child. She's the monster and yet I'm the one who's the abuser for daring to disobey her.

I have to say that one (of the many) things I like about being in my mid-30s is I get way less unwanted attention from men these days—like the kind you're describing here. I imagine it's not just the encroaching crow's feet next to my eyes but my more confident demeanor that repels all the creepy dudes and

Hell, I didn't have HG, but I felt like pregnancy was some cruel cosmic joke dreamt up by the likes of Todd Akin. Beyond the nausea, I had extreme exhaustion, gas, chronic constipation (sorry, TMI), pee breaks every 30 minutes, aversions to almost every food, painful breasts, round ligament pain, exhaustion (did I

Clearly, I need to add "poop-denier," " stank-snake" and "shit-filled cookie jar" to my everyday vernacular.

You're not alone! My office Wi-Fi reaches to the bathrooms outside our suite, so I can read Jez while pooing and without using any 4G data. It's perfect!

Hahahaha, love the sarcasm. Sadly, you're right on the mark with so many of these self-righteous mansplainers. At first I thought you were serious! Except sex discrimination-deniers these days don't mention the draft so much and seem more concerned about women using their sexuality as a privilege (as if that makes any

No kidding on the trolls. Why is it lately that any article addressing gender discrimination incites all the idiot mansplainers to come out in droves? And I agree, they should just stuff it.

Ugh, you react appropriately (go you!) and then get mansplained to. Gawd, I hate mansplainers.

"Women are supposed to be nice, accommodating hug machines, like Disney princesses on ecstasy." Hahahaha. I love this line! As a mom of a 3-year-old toddler steeped in princess-frenzy, I can totally relate. So many of those princesses are so freaking...chipper and perpetually smiley. It's just not natural.

I can see where you're coming from with this comment, but I disagree that many—or most—cops are "corrupt as fuck." I would liken it more to similar professions such as nursing, counseling or ministry. These are professions that necessitate some form of caring or watching over people/the general public while also

I guess I didn't explain myself well. What I meant by illustrating my personal example is to show how condoms are incredibly irritating, painful and can be downright hazardous to women's health. Also, with condoms, I am far, way, lots more likely to get micro tears—an increase of which would likely up my risk of

Nope. The worst yeast infection I ever got was from using a condom (sorry for the TMI). Condoms are seriously irritating and uncomfortable for many, many women.

As an fyi, HPV cannot be reliably prevented by condom use. From the CDC: "Condom use may reduce the risk for HPV infection and HPV-associated diseases (e.g., genital warts and cervical cancer)."

Aww, I got trolled! I'm so flattered. I'm really moving up in the world!

I think this is definitely part of it, too. Like the conservs just want a vast swath of the American people to be undereducated, underemployed and overburdened working folks who don't have time or energy to give half a rat's ass about the white men running our country. Oh, and lots of cheap labor, too.

I saw a great bumper sticker the other day which I'll repeat here: Don't agree with abortion? Don't get one!

Ding, ding, ding!!! Give the woman a prize for the best (and sadly most truthful) answer!