
Right, cause slaughtering animals doesn't harm them? What, what, wha?? Slitting a cow's throat and letting her bleed to death or throwing baby male chicks in a grinder doesn't harm animals how exactly? (And how humanely they're raised is not relevant here—their lives are still being cut very short, no matter how

Haha, the Shakespearean quote was a little sanctimonious (I wasn't being entirely serious, more tongue in cheek). But seriously, dude, I was just trying to have a dialog and just MAYBE open your perspective a little. But I see you are far too invested in being proven right to even consider that maybe your view isn't

Wow, I don't have time to read all of your comments (I'm at work), but you are clearly VERY invested in defending your position. Perhaps your hostility stems from your knowledge that eating animals maybe isn't such a good thing to do after all..."Methinks thou dost protest too much."

Ah, I see what you mean. I'm not one to push my ideas onto others, but if someone asks me about my veganism, I'll engage them in a dialogue, and I find Colleen's messages in her podcasts help me better convey my perspective. But of course, that's an individual choice. I guess I was mostly responding to your being

Haha, no she's not "veganism propaganda" (or at least, I don't think so). I started listening to her after I went vegan for health reasons, but before I considered how veganism helps animals. I'm definitely sensitive to messages that seem like propaganda or if people are trying to force their opinions on me. She

Thank you for sharing this—it's quite interesting.

And I would say that eating meat harms animals, our personal health and the environment, which I don't believe is okay. If you'd like to live a more compassionate life, more healthfully and have a positive influence on the environment, wouldn't it be a smarter choice to not eat meat? Perchance, eating meat is wrong?

"Why can't omnivores see that teaching their kids to eat meat is also a decision of what to teach about food? Why when mainstream people stay mainstream it's fine and when anyone else keeps doing what they do it's weird?"

I would strongly recommend you check out the writings and podcasts of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau ([]). She helps empower vegans to counter the misunderstandings or even hostility that meat eaters can have toward non-meat eaters.

Interesting that you named the calves as types of meat to eat. Why not name them typical pet names, like Lucy or Spot? Perhaps you were trying to distance yourself from the animals because you knew they would eventually be killed. Just something to consider.

While it's true that animals live within a food chain, humans are the only beings who live according to our morals and personal beliefs about what is right and wrong in the world. Humans are capable of making choices to improve their environment (and on the flip side, we're also capable of making choices that do

I'd like to present just one counter point to this:

The ice cream supply will vanish and then vegans will take over the world. Mwahahaha!!!

Don't forget paid maternity leave plus sick time, for days when mom needs to stay home with the kid. Plus payment for all the medical bills and potential health complications associated with pregnancy.

Presumably a man who has sex with a woman knows that pregnancy might result, regardless of how careful they are using birth control. I firmly believe once the man makes his "deposit," his say regarding the potential pregnancy ends. If a man is so uncomfortable with the thought that a woman might abort his potential

Hear, hear. Last time I checked, men were an important requirement in the whole baby making thing.

Sing it from the rooftops, sister. Anti-abortion laws are ultimately about punishing women for having vaginas. Seriously fucked up.

I know what you mean. I too was irritated and angered by how absent lesbians are from this montage (and the general national discussion). I feel like it's just an extension of the prevailing attitude that women aren't supposed to be sexual—I mean, isn't that the crux of the anti-abortion movement? How dare ladies have

Many pumps can be powered with a battery pack or a car adapter. I'm not sure about your setup for parking, but perhaps you could use a nursing cover and pump in your car to save time? The nursing cover would keep your boobies private, but of course, if there are a ton of people walking by, this option likely wouldn't

I'm still not over the stupid Corgi beating the tuxedo cat. :-(