
Chicago is a big city- not everyone is pining for the second coming of Barack Obama. Boston’s pretty liberal, too, but it sure has more than its share of racists living there.

I’m saving the extra $300 a year I got from Trump’s tax cuts in a special “Billionaire Fund”.  At 6% interest, it will only take me until 2229 to achieve my goal!

They were *taller* than Rod.

They have of Scientology about them, too, in the way that they love to advertise all the celebrities that attend services.

I hope they cover that totally true and not-at-all-an-urban-legend story about the 3 Men and a Baby ghost.

As a footnote: the same dirty trickster who started the black daughter rumor in 2000 also started the Swift Boat Veterans group against Kerry in 2004, and McCain refused to stand up for Kerry or stop the lies.

<Insert “Lisa needs braces”/”Dental plan” reference with appropriate modifications to fit this article here>

The people called Latins, they go to the house?

All I remember from Code Veronica is the number of times I wanted to rage quit during that fight against Nemesis on board the airplane.  I think there are Dark Souls boss fights that were easier and less frustrating than that one.

His hatred for the Monkees is supposedly what’s keeping them from being nominated for membership in the rock and roll hall of fame.

2-icide Squad

Nah- it definitely has a Jerky Boys feel to it.

Of course, it all makes sense.  The least nameworthy stars are always the ones who can command the highest fees for appearing.

The difference is, Bohemian Rhapsody was based on a true story.

I like the idea Jill singing a sad song about how she’s the master of unlocking, but she still can’t unlock Chris’ cold, sad heart.

It’s like he gets his security briefings from my racist uncle’s Facebook feed.

Cool!  I’ll have to keep an eye out for recognizable landmarks.

Is that where the movie is taking place? I thought Capt. Marvel lived in Fawcett City.

Not only that, but McDonalds can’t cook all those burgers at once- their grills are limited to, maybe, a dozen or so at a time? So- how long do you think it took to cook 1000 berders? How long were the ones from the first batch sitting around, maybe not even in buns or packaged up, before the last batch was ready to

Yeah- the Bell Witch was pretty cool, too, but the story scared me a bit as a kid because she was so evil.  Gef seemed like the most fun pet you could ever have.