
I pretty much spent all my time in my elementary school library in two sections- the section with the dinosaurs and the section with the paranormal stuff, both of which were pretty well-stocked.

Actually, I got it from my elementary school library. For some reason, they had several really cool books about ghosts and poltergeists. The best part is that a lot of them had classic ghost photos, too, like the “Brown Lady”. I was very pleasantly surprised to see a used copy in a bookstore- I know I would have

Gef has always been my favorite paranormal being ever since I read about him in Poltergeists: Hauntings and the Haunted back in the 70s.

A fresh soft pretzel, still warm from the oven is a transcendent thing.  It’s my favorite snack.  But, I agree- hard pretzels are just wrong.

Of course, knowing Ms. Kelly, upon her return to TV, I’m sure one of her first comments will be “What’s the big deal about a government shutdown affecting federal employees?  I was out of work for a whole year and i never complained or felt any hardship.  They need to suck it up.”

I never understood the concept of a spinach salad until I was in my late twenties.  Until then, the only type of spinach I was familiar with was encased in a block of ice and was a stringy dark green mess.  I never knew you could actually eat it raw like lettuce.

Much like Alan Moore, AOC tends to butt heads with the people in charge of DC.

Sounds like my family- one day, when I was about 10, my dad went to the doctor and was told that his blood pressure was getting high, so he came home and decreed that my mother could no longer use salt in her cooking. It pretty much disappeared from our house at that point. And, since that was the only seasoning my

I was kind of hoping Oldman would be the tour guide for my “Sid Vicious Is” app.

Probably more like a car radio tuned to an AM Top-40 station.

On the other hand, he would be able to brag about how he won South Carolina with 100% of the votes.

It’s got kind of a ice cream float-like quality to it.

I wonder if during the Lewinsky scandal there were any liberals President Clinton was whining about comedians constantly making fun of Clinton.

Thea got a lot better as the seasons went on. I was sorry to see her go, something I never would have thought I’d say based on her character in the first season.

I liked how Superman looked a little disappointed when he first arrived on Earth-1 and no one knew who he was.

She would be for me, especially now that Tyler Hoechlin has moved into the #2 Superman spot.

What confused me, though, was Kara mentioning Bruce Wayne as if she knew him, especially when she said the he and her cousin were frenemies. She didn’t preface it with “On my Earth...”, so it seemed as if she and Superman traveled from Earth-38 to Earth-1 more frequently.

Didn’t they also come to this conclusion in 2008?  Basically, every time they lose some seats, they start in on this whole “We need to appeal to a more diverse base”, right before they start doing everything they can to disenfranchise anyone who’s not a rich, white, Christian male.

Basically, they’re hoping that they can get the only African-American conservative lesbian in the US to win a seat in Congress. Then they can replace all the other women with white men.

But what is Vigio Mortenstein’s opinion on Jackson’s movies?