
Christ Christie and Bruce Sprinsteen

Oh great! First we had to worry about Russian spambot. Now spiders have them, too.

Don’t kid yourself Jimmy. If a spider got the chance, he’d eat you and everyone you cared about.

Horror comics! Exhume the corpses of Bill Gaines and Al Feldstein and make them explain themselves!

you’re right. You’re a heterosexual white male who only has sex with men to prove your feminist bona-fides. You’re a lot more sensible.

Hairspray is one of my top 5 favorite movies ever, and I introduced my daughter to it when she was about 5 or 6. She loved the signing and dancing, but the segregation subplots were a real eye opener for her. She couldn’t believe that that kind of thing could have happened. We had a nice little talk afterwards about

Same here, but now I prefer “screaming” no matter what the real lyric is.

Shouldn’t a more accurate photo caption read “Retta and Christina Hendricks (Not pictured: Mae Whitman)“?

Damn Kinja! I had the story a little wrong, and I can’t edit it.

Ted Cruz was probably the Scranton Strangler, too.

There’s a story I read about Cruz’s debating skills that I really hope is true:

Once, at the grocery store, I was stuck behind a guy who was completely befuddled by the scanners in the self-checkout line. He could not do it. The clearly frustrated woman immediately behind him asked if he could read, because the instructions on how to scan an item were clearly visible on the screen. The guy looked

I was kind of hoping the sixth totem was coffee, so we could get Kendra and her barista skills back.

Thanks- I’ll give that a try. We always have plain greek yogurt in the fridge, so I’ll use that the next time.

Don’t worry- the elections are a little over 8 months away. At the rate we’re going, there’s still time for another 15-20 massacres. If it weren’t for summer break, I’m sure there would be even more.

Establishing your support for Israel when accused of being anti-Semitic is the religious equivalent of saying you have black friends when you are accused of being racist.

Because it will be the ultimate “I Told You So” to all of us unbelieving sinners.

That’s good to know- I use buttermilk to make bread and to coat chicken, but I don’t use it in large quantities, so I have usually ended up throwing away half a carton because it’s been sitting in my fridge for weeks. I’ll have to keep this in mind.

If I’m in doubt about the freshness of milk, I put a little bit in about a quarter cup of hot water- if it curdles, the milk is bad. I learned that after throwing away too many cups of coffee.

Given the disparity in finger size, I assume the warrior would end up breaking off Trump’s thumb.