
That's nothing compared to the Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four. My God- Sue was so horribly written, and was always condescended to.

As I replied elsewhere, I remember him following his typical MO of speaking out against it, but never actually doing anything about it. I stand corrected.

My mistake- for some reason I remember him as speaking out against it but never backing it up with any actions.

She took the reverse of Trump's route- she went from politics to reality TV.

This guy wouldn't stand up to the Bush administration when they approved the use of torture on Gitmo prisoners. Do you think he was really going to stand firm on opposing Obamacare repeal?

She's reaping the benefits of being an asshole governor's wife. He used his clout to cancel a huge NJ Port Authority construction project that would have brought a lot of revenue and jobs to the state because it would have made Mary Pat's (his wife's) commute 10 minutes longer.

Christie's reputation was always better outside NJ than it was in the state. He's a lot like Giuliani and Pence- only people that didn't have to live under his governorship thought he had potential to go further.

Palin brought her daughter on the ice with her, and spent the next the few days vilifying Philly sports fans for being so mean that they booed a 14-year-old girl. She truly proved herself to be a Republican that day.

It would have been great to hear Oogie say "No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!" to Donald Trump.

Ironically, isn't standard white supremecist dogma that it's the blacks that are too lazy and shiftless to be given any responsibility?

But he won't be able to make deals! Please, think of the poor, over-privileged rich boy!

Vote Cthulhu! Why settle for the lesser evil?

How about if we put him in Killdozer instead?

College campuses? All the conservatives I work with call them "brainwashing factories."

Trump is basically saying he wants Congress to do all the work, while he takes all the credit for merely adding his name to a piece of paper.

When you someone out it.

And aioli, for a little continental flavor.

2 girls, one sugary center.

The Oreo is a lie.

How does Joan Fontaine feel about all of this?