This whole charade isn't truly about health care- it's about providing a rationale for giving the wealthiest Americans huge tax breaks, a subject that is near and dear to every Republican's heart.
This whole charade isn't truly about health care- it's about providing a rationale for giving the wealthiest Americans huge tax breaks, a subject that is near and dear to every Republican's heart.
It's actually written that nothing will go into effect before 2019, and the most severe changes will go into effect in 2021. It's funny how the GOP couldn't wait to repeal the ACA, but found it in their hearts to wait until after the next 2 elections before they start killing people.
Wayne Family Plot
And people said that Michael Keaton didn't look right as Batman because he didn't have enough of a chin. What is the ideal chin size for the Batman?
It would make it easier to calculate pi.
Sounds like Yahoo Britta-ed themselves.
At least he didn't compliment Panama on their hats.
Same here- got a ton of DVDs and PlayStation games. I have yet to watch any of the DVDs.
Hello Friend!
i thought he was supposed to be Bill Hicks.
But I want the version where he says "You've just been Heigled, Mr. Falcon!"
She tried, but after Brian Jones, none of the rest of band would go swimming with her.
What's more insane is that in many cases, they're praising Trump for doing things that they bashed Obama for.
He's got at least a Platoon of them at his beck and call.
True, but I don't think the Republicans have planned much beyond the next round of tax cuts for the rich. Nor do they really care what our standing is in the world- as long as there are countries to bomb, they'll be happy.
Once he signs off on their ACA repeal and their new tax plans, they can dump him at will.
As far as Trump's concerned, the level of praise he receives is the only issue that matters. As long as he can convince himself that that praise is sincere and he's the best-loved President ever, the rest of the world can go to Hell.
Apparently, very good. I'd read somewhere that Donald is a horrible cheater- both in that he cheats constantly, and that he is bad at it, but no one ever calls him on it.
Last season Kimmy said that the Reverend claimed to have written the "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" ad, too.
It needs for Trump to change his party affiliation.