Sooner or later, he's going to be awake at 3AM, with his cell phone tantalizingly within reach, and there will be no one around to slap his hand away when he reaches for it.
Sooner or later, he's going to be awake at 3AM, with his cell phone tantalizingly within reach, and there will be no one around to slap his hand away when he reaches for it.
If the Republicans had as much backbone now as they did in Watergate times, Trump would be facing impeachment charges.
I thought that, according to the prostitute tapes, Trump *likes* leakers.
He learned it from Trump.
As I said above, when Obama became president after a short term as senator, the Republicans were saying that his lack of experience would prevent him from being a good President.
All this Comey stuff is currently diverting attention away from the fact that the Senate is now extremely close to repealing the ACA, as several "moderate" Republicans have now decided that they can get on board with it.
Remember, in 2008, freshman Senator Barack Obama was too inexperienced to be President.
Basically, we can say that Eric Trump has never hurt anyone, with a few exceptions.
It's a meme I made up, which resulted in my not being able to attend Harvard.
My parents were in their mid-20s, but the closest to being hippies they ever got was when my dad let his hair grow long enough to cover the tops of his ears.
Fair enough, although it seems as if Kellyanne's losing her touch- no one is buying her bullshit anymore. And I think Ryan is also starting to fall out of favor- we're starting to see his many flaws.
I wouldn't say most of his supporters around here love him, but they will find some kind of moral justification for everything he does, so it's pretty much just as bad.
You've never seen the bumper stickers that say "God, Guts & Guns made America great. Let's keep all three"?
Several years ago, someone did some back-of-the envelope math and showed that if Walmart raised the price of just it's most popular-selling item (I forget what it was exactly) by 10 cents, it would be enough to cover raising the minimum wage to $15 for its employees.
Can you name one intelligent member of his cabinet? DeVos, Perry, Carson, Tillerson- some brain trust you've got there.
I went to college in Philly, and had never actually went to the Reading Terminal Market until my Senior year- what a glorious day that was!
It worked so well for Ford and the Republicans in 1975, I'm sure they're dying to back to that well.
According to the GOP, only people who have led bad lives get sick. Those kids must have been real assholes to have gotten cancer, so they never deserved our charity in the first place.
To paraphrase Barack Obama: "Please proceed, Mr. President."
And the rest of the Republicans, being the hypocrites they are, think it's great when Trump does them.