
All you cucks know that it's Arabic for "I will stand". Trump was tweeting out the message that he will not be broken by the liberal media and their lies. Only those of us in the know would understand the full import of his "typo".

The president's remarks are not necessarily representative of the views of this administration.

No convict! No convict! you're the convict!

Trump isn't going to settle for a mere headstone. He's going to spring for a tacky imitation Taj Mahal with a gigantic gold-plated sarcophagus big enough to fit him and Ivanka.

Doesn't do enough jogging or doesn't eat enough grease-laden meals? Because both are pretty appropriate.

Just the fact that Trump doesn't appear to have any representation at all at this point should lend veracity to those claims.

I guess I'll have to send back my rare photo of Alec Guinness that was autographed by Ewan McGregor.

Given the negative reaction most of these people have to any kind of education, I'd say they are not 100% the victims here.

3-stars is WAY out of most these people's counting range, too.

No one's more humble than The Donald.

The Trump family taking on a project with a flawed business model? Yeah, right- like that would ever happen.

"Joey! Joey, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Ramone. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!"

I want to join in the fun, just for the halibut.

At this point, it's more of a train whistle than a dog whistle.

It's librarians who are sexy, not principals.

And his hands aren't big enough to pick up rocks that are larger than the ones you find in the bottom of most fish tanks.

So it goes 9/11 < Sexual Assault < Accusations of Sexual Assault?

The one thing that disappointed me was there was absolutely no mention of Hera (that I can recall, anyway) in the movie, given her relationship to the Amazons in the comics.

The review made it sound like a bad thing that there are no gratuitous cheesecake shots.

I took my daughter and two of her friends to see it on Saturday- all three are 11. I don't think there was a scene in the movie where at least one of them wasn't crying. At the end, they all agreed it was the best movie they'd ever seen.