
He's still got 5 more years to go if he wants to beat My Bloody Valentine's record.


He also got an invitation to the White House, too. But I'm sure that was for Trump to tell him face-to-face to knock off the inflammatory rhetoric.

I bet most both of Trump's friends feel that way…

I agree, but it seems Democrats are having a hard time getting the African-American community motivated right now. Both are working in the Republicans' favor- why pass voter suppression laws when the voters are suppressing themselves?

If Trump wants to truly prove himself a golden god, he should jump off the White House roof into a pool.

According to an interview he once gave, he's known Paris since she was a little kid, but it didn't stop him from watching (and enjoying) her porn video. So, to answer your question… maybe?

He had pretty much taken the entire month of August for a long vacation.

One of the things that made me disappointed in George Carlin in his later years- he had really bought into that BS.

And he sighed during one of the debates! Obviously, he didn't have a presidential temperament!

And all these years, I've been pronouncing it "Crandall".

"I was never fine with this, but I had to wait for the check to clear before I could pretend to be outraged."

You mean, earlier today?

It was also the inspiration for the town of Silent Hill.

Trump likes a lot of things that start with P.

African American turn out was lower for this election, and Democrats are having a hard time keeping the African American community invested in further elections. This, combined with voter suppression, is helping Republicans.

Strangely enough, "gullible" is not.

WASP stands for either "We Are Satan's Pawns" or "We Are Sexual Perverts"

It's pronounced "Throatwarbler Mangrove"

Don't forget the African-American community not coming out and voting. Donald was already gracious enough to thank them for helping him win.