I think it also states that English is our official language.
I think it also states that English is our official language.
Or the Constitution of the Confederacy, the one which stated that slavery would always be part of the Confederacy, whether individual states wanted to abolish it or not.
What a preachy book!
During the Reagan administration, some researchers read people the first amendment to the Constitution, without telling them its origin.
I was hoping to start my dental floss farm there. I guess I've got to be a dental floss tycoon somewhere else.
Talking Points Memo has a good overview of reactions from Republican political leaders- most of them are pretty amused by the whole thing. Very few seem to think that maybe Gianforte shouldn't have done it.
I'd read somewhere that Trump cultivated that unsettling smile for the same reason he does those "power handshakes"- as a sign of dominance, and to put anyone he has to deal with on the defensive.
If they criticized Clinton and Pelosi for wearing hijabs, how are they able to justify criticizing Michelle Obama for *not* wearing in a veil in Saudi Arabia?
If the HR people are threatened by a lunatic who brings weapons into the work place, they should just find another place to work.
Wasn't her first response to the outcry about this something along the lines of "I know it was wrong to post this publicly. That's why I originally planned to only send it to my friend"?
Something about hung men ejaculating, too.
I was going to go with "Being a member of Sea Org", but I'm guessing Shelley Miscavige probably has it slightly better.
I'm sure Michelle Obama is way to busy to ghostwrite a book for Melania.
And the Fox would find a way to pin the blame on Hillary.
He'll deport himself!
I guess Gen. Falsflag will be played by Cesar Romero in the movie?
Now, they picture a beautiful blue sky, I guess.
I'm kind of hoping that I get turned into a ghoul of the non-feral variety. It might be fun- calling the humans "smooth skin", living in a radioactive subway, eating the occasional radroach.
I'd put Freaks and Geeks and (especially) Terriers before any of those shows.
Whoa, Black Betty! MBMBAM!