Isn't the Fox playbook just page after page of "We have always been at war with Eastasia"?
Isn't the Fox playbook just page after page of "We have always been at war with Eastasia"?
Melania would never wear a sleeveless dress like some kind of common ghetto hussy.
McCain would have had the best insurance had he won in 2008.
As an ND grad, I can assure you, it is hardly what you would consider a bastion of liberalism.
Donald doesn't exercise anything. We all know his feelings about physical exercise- maybe he thinks you're born with a certain amount of judgment, too, and you shouldn't waste it foolishly.
A survey of Trump supporters a couple of months ago showed that around 20-25% of them said that, in a side-by-side comparison, photos of Obama's and Trump's inaugurations clearly showed that more people were at Trump's than at Obama's.
Most of the ones I know are in the "We all *know* Hillary has done much worse, but the media is in her pocket and they'll never report it. They're making up lies about Trump because they hate him" camp
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
- Lyndon Baines Johnson
I don't watch anything featuring Robert Michael Schneider. You'll notice that I called him "Robert Michael" and not "Rob", because "Rob" is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and Robert Michael Schneider is no friend of mine.
Most of my coworkers are still in the "Hillary Clinton did much worse, but she had the press on her side, so it was never reported" stage.
In her weakened and emaciated state, that's the closest she can get to the Bellamy salute.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
But, up until recently at least, they wanted to give Trump some sort of win. It's why they finally pushed through that horrendous Healthcare bill.
Limbaugh was complaining about this recently- he wanted to know why the Republicans couldn't give Trump a "measly" $1billion.
From her statements, it seems that she's abandoning Trump not because he's terrible, but because he's not terrible enough.
We have also ordered 3/5 as many episodes as we have for the Arrowverse shows.
Yes- let's show Ailes the same respect that I'm sure the conservative community will have for Bill & Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, after they pass.
Ailes never let the legal status of a sexual act stop him.
Pol Pot died in his bed, denying that he had ever done anything wrong. I'm sure Ailes was the same way- his only regret is getting caught, not the actions he undertook over his lifetime.
Roger Ailes dead at the age of 30-years-older-than-a-loving-God-should-have-allowed.