That would be great! I didn;t know who he was prior to reading James Robinson's Starman, but by the time the series was finished, he had become one of my all-time favorite characters.
That would be great! I didn;t know who he was prior to reading James Robinson's Starman, but by the time the series was finished, he had become one of my all-time favorite characters.
I would like to see this, if only to have Lex unmask Barry and say "I have no idea who this is."
Oh- do you keep your comment history a secret from others, too?
"No, Skyler- I am the one who sweats!"
I heard that he punched Keith Richards in the face during the filming of "Hail, Hail Rock and Roll"
I especially like his song "In the Weewee Hours"
Yeah- it's a shock that Trump was disrespectful to a woman.
Like a baby seal being machine gunned?
Couldn't he at least have given her an unwelcome shoulder rub?
Considering the number of times he was on the Art Bell show, I was truly shocked to learn that Hawass is a respected Egyptologist.
Not a whole person, anyway- just 3/5ths.
Damn you, Big Tire!
Copa Airlines being a major exception- they are the worst airline I've ever had to deal with.
Definitely- Romney was totally prepared to let the auto industry die. We would be much better off without them.
No- he mocked Romney for saying the Soviet Union was a threat. It showed how out of touch Romney was with modern world politics that he said one of our biggest enemies was a confederation of states that hasn't existed since the early 90s.
As far as most conservatives are concerned, the aid for all types of disasters should come solely from charities and the private sector. Only a parasite asks the government for help.
He already fired most of the people from the previous administration, so there's going to be a lot of work piling up pretty soon. Of course, even with all this undone work, the US won't collapse, so it'll prove to the Republicans that these positions (and the departments they're located in) are completely unnecessary…
They thought Trump was only going to get rid of Obamacare- he never told them he was getting rid of the ACA, too.
Gun control is only bad when they come for *your* guns. When they come for *their* guns, it's practically mandatory.
Or pineapple.