
Donald might like her more when he finds out that she hasn't paid any taxes for the past 7 years, either.

Even if you only count them as 3/5ths, that's still a lot.

"There absolutely are millions of Americans who would cheerfully die or kill for Trump."

And, of course, photographic evidence showed stores full of dresses.

A few weeks ago, there was a survey of Trump supporters about this issue. Most of his supporters agreed that Trump's turnout was smaller than Obama's. A sizeable minority said that Trump's turnout was larger, but the pictures were faked.

The state legislatures can still make restrictive voting laws. The Justice Department can just ignore the laws, rather than fight them in the courts. They're already doing that in Texas.

At this point, that's they're only reason for doing anything. If liberals are for it, they're against it. That's pretty much the Tea Party's entire platform. The current Republican party has lost all ability to lead- they can only react in opposition to something.

Actually their big idea is to go beyond repealing the ACA- they also want to get rid of the incentives and tax breaks employers get for offering their employees health care.

But without the constant threat of global terror, how can the Republicans continue to demonize brown-skinned people?

They've got two years to pass everything- as long as it's done by the midterm elections there's no rush. And, if Sessions' Justice department can gut voting rights like they're planning, then it won't matter in 2018 either, because, by then, only rich white men will get to vote in their heavily gerrymandered

I've had this argument with a lot of my conservative co-workers- they refuse to believe that a conservative think tank ever came up with this plan. To the point where they refuse to read anything by the Heritage Foundation itself that would shake their worldview.

Pretty much everyone on Trump's cabinet was nominated to do one thing- hobble or destroy whatever agencies they're in charge of.

That's the same problem with Congress. Pretty much any Republican who was elected since 2008 was elected for one reason- to oppose Obama in all things. Now that their man is in and they actually have to lead, they realize what a world of shit they're truly in.

I think renowned economist and supermodel Tyra Banks also made the same claim.

It can be two things.

The invasion of Panama, the first Gulf War

Hell, his father ran as an outsider after having spent the previous 8 years as VP, and, before that, having been director of the CIA, ambassador to China, a member of Nixon's staff, and a member of the House of Representatives.

When Republicans pine for the good old days of 1950s America, they seem to forget about how the high income tax rates on the rich helped finance our prosperity.

I remember Andrew Sullivan's response to people complaining that W was taking too many vacation days: "Americans work too hard. They should follow the President's example and take time off to enjoy life."

He'd be too liberal for the Democrats.