
You guessed it.

The closing spot also pissed Michaels off, too, because Berle's manager arranged for Berle to get a standing ovation at the end of it, without telling Michaels about it.

He might only know 400 words, but they're the best words.

Well, her rationale back then was "I'm rich, so of course I'm a Republican"

I saw Jenna Jameson at the airport in the mid-90s. The majority of the man there all had that same look on their faces- trying to pretend that they didn't know who she was.

So you're saying that killing someone because of the color of their skin is less evil than killing someone because of their religious beliefs?

When, and if, the world does snap out of this fascist phase, it won;t be a peaceful transition, either.

I've been a fan of his since his Chisel days, when he was my station manager at WVFI (Notre Dame's radio station). Cool guy- even back then he was serious about his music. It's been great tracking his career over the past 2 decades.

This is the second week in a row without a review of the show. Has AV Club dropped it?

A Face In The Crowd or Elmer Gantry

"Krieger's hard at work… literally."

Seeing how Donald stopped paying for his sick nephew's medical treatments over petty arguments with his family, I doubt he would have any qualms about ditching Melania and Barron with only minimum support.

I can't fathom why she thinks this is a good idea.

Good news! Not only is Congress taking away the ACA, they are also trying to get rid of the tax breaks employers get for offering health care to their employees.

Nope- someone's got to pay for her luxurious lifestyle, and I'm sure Donald had her sign a pretty thorough pre-nup. She doesn't want to be degraded by living like Marla Maples.

While most people would speculate that their body language towards each other would imply that they really don't have a healthy relationship, some Trump supporters have been forwarding an article by a "world-renowned body language expert" who claims to know the real reason for their coldness towards each other.

Donald himself did that constantly. He even tweeted "If I were President, I'd never play golf."

The Trump-supporting portion of the public will never believe it, though. They'll just use it as another example of the lying press.

With the current Congress, we'll always need at least one more than we have at any given moment.

He's not running it- he's just the useful idiot who will take the fall when this all blows up.