
I heard one time he was seen in the company of a known liberal. Therefore, it's just another case of left-wing violence.

Yeah… About that…

Trump doesn't have enough of the grace, charm or ability to be articulate that Peter Boyle's monster had to make this song work.

Once he saw the comparatively paltry turnout for his inauguration, he realized the only way to get the huge crowds of followers chanting his name that he so desperately desires would be to hold campaign rally after campaign rally.

Hey- Anne Coulter recently tweeted that she believes that not only is Trump the leader of our country, he's now also the leader of the Church.

His thumbs are up. They're just so tiny, they're hard to see from a distance of more than 18".

Do Ivana and Marla get Secret Service protection, too? Or is it just current family?

And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they have to rent rooms in Trump-owned properties, thereby putting money in Donald's non-divested pockets.

Yeah, but if you adjust for inflation, I'm sure the numbers are comparable.

There were a quite a few misspellings in the post, but "smoakscrene" really stood out for me, too,

I think he'd have that same reaction if he made it to 2020, and then lost the election.

Yeah, but 15% of the time it works 100% of the time.

The Russians certainly have as much dirt on the Republicans as they do on the Democrats. I'm sure that's a pretty good reason the Republicans y're playing nice, too. (Besides their being totally corrupt and craven.)

It was quite a while between the discovery of the Watergate break-ins and Nixon's resignation. And that was with Republicans who were willing to stand up to the President.

Because "Obummer" was too easy.

That line of logic makes me think of one Trump supporter's reaction to his Muslim ban. When the fact that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt, three countries which actually do export terrorists were exempt from the ban, most people thought it had something to do with the fact that Trump has business interests in those

"There's going to be so much radiation, you're going to be tired of all the radiation."

It's a dessert topping!

I wish I could be as confident as you. I don't think he ever truly expected to President, either. But now that he's in, you're crazy if something as mundane as him losing the next election will get him to leave.

Hosting foreign dignitaries was bad enough. Having high-level meetings there about highly sensitive topics should be grounds for dismissal.