
Are you kidding? He's a member of the "Liberal Hollywood Elite". Republicans would never stand for one of them running for office.

If this means the campaign for the 2020 elections has already started, I guess Mitch McConnell will delay any hearings for a new Supreme Court justice, right?

I'd be happy just to know what movies they are going to riff.

Well, allegedly the Russiand hacked the DNC and the RNC. They only released the Democrats' info. You've got to wonder what they're holding back on Chaffetz, Ryan, et al.

My Dad's been a registered Democrat his whole life, but the only Democrat he ever voted for was LBJ. It's been a solid Republican ticket since then.

He also did it so he can have rally after rally where his supporters will cheer for him and feed his ego.

I have it, too. I don't play it anymore , though, because I won so much, I got tired from all the winning.

How bah dat?

By 2018 only white Christian males who own land will be able to vote.

I think the only reason Trump will last far longer than any of us expect is because Congress is afraid that the yahoos who would rioted if Hillary had won the election will riot once their man is booted from office.

When you'd actually want to own property on the Boardwalk.

They're just needling you.

trump edition: All the streets are named "Trump Ave", the railroads are replaced with Trump Airlines, no one ever goes to jail, and everyone goes bankrupt before they get to Free Parking.

Did you ever hear Kyle Baker's story about the time he drew the Dick Tracy tie-in comic book? He drew Beatty/Tracy on the cover in right profile. Beatty didn't like it because he felt that his left profile was better, so he returned the artwork to Baker and asked him to redraw it. Baker simply flipped the artwork,

Let's not start a Circle Jerk,

Joe Lieberman ran as an independent after he lost the primaries for Democratic nomination for Senator.

He's also a very good driver.

He was an independent, though, right? I don't think he ran as a Republican.

Jeff Sessions is attorney general, white supremacists are in high-level administration positions.

Don't forget to add Mayor Eastwood, Sen. Fred Thompson, and Gov. Schwarzenegger.