
We would also have accepted "Toddler Steve Bannon"

That quote about celebrities is pretty close to something Omarosa said- maybe this is her.

LBJ got elected in a landslide in 1964, and, if he hadn't screwed up Viet Nam so badly, would probably have been a shoo-in in 1968.

Jeez! Bannon really does push Trump's staff hard.

I have a normal job, and I don't get to go on vacation every weekend.

Lying Burlington Coat so-called "Factory" does not even manufacture its own clothing. Sad! I will bring real factories back. #MAGA

If the dog ends up as a Burlington Coat Factory coat, you've got yourself a #1 hit.

Well, there are all those high-level American spies who were rounded up in Russia recently. I'm, sure the fact that Russia caught them all right after the Trump administration was given access to this information is just a coincidence.

Isn't "brainwashed conservative" pretty much redundant at this point?

The Trump administration is also using private servers to conduct business. Of course, now the Republicans have no problem with it.

Now you're making me nostalgic- the first two magazines I subscribed to were Omni and Twilight Zone. I still have a complete run of TZ in my old bedroom closet in my parents' house.

It's easy to tell the difference between Pence's picks and Trump's. Pence is hiring all the conservative Christian dominionists, and Trump is hiring the Nazis.

In his mind, the only bad thing about the Empire was that they lost.

I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it

A quarter of a century old, and still unbeaten.

Trump his stocking his staff with far-right Christian dominionists. Either we keep Trump and end up as the Fourth Reich, or we get Pence and end up in The Handmaid's Tale.

And rich-ish, too.

Yeah- until he needs to put his money where his mouth is. Then he falls in line like the rest of them. He just speaks up like this every so often to maintain his "maverick" status.

According to my coworkers, it's not- it serves to show how cool and in control Trump is that he can conduct important, classified meeting amidst the chaos of having all those people around.

I'm surprised the handler even allowed someone to take a selfie with him. You'd think he would not only need to be fairly anonymous, he would need to be by the President's side and giving Trump and his advisers his undivided attention.