
He's also thanked them for not turning out to vote like they did in 2008 and 2012, thereby making him president.

James Woods porn?

And Trump sincerely asked some generals what's the point of having nuclear weapons if we're not going to use them.

And Buffalo gals go around the outside.

Chocolate milk is the wrong color.

Most of them seem to homeschool their kids anyway, so they couldn't care less about those heathen public schools.

I don't know why this particular farmer believes his employees would be exempt from this.

And it will be posted on March 15, and have a picture of Hugo Chavez

She's got an uncontrollable urge to destroy public education.

Kind of like how they can claim with a straight face that if Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he'd be a Republican.

"Holy Fuck! A talking coffee cup!"- Marcus Aurelius

You guys don't remember W.E.B. DeBois? He was the great African-American statesman whose life was tragically cut short in the Bowling Green Massacre.

He'll be reprising his role as Hercules from the classic Hercules in New York. Surprisingly, he will be billed as "Arnold Strong" in this movie, too.

The Russian's have already bought Trump. There's no need t buy his daughter's crappy clothes, too.

Our local K-Mart is next door to one of the biggest Whole Foods I've ever seen. Surprisingly, there's not a lot of overlap between clientele.

This stuff seems to stick with the general populace. It's the Republicans in Congress who actually have the power to do something about all of this that don't mind it at all.

He did get off to an auspicious start with that Yemen raid, though.

I saw this description somewhere:

Didn't Comey say something along the lines of he didn't want to release the Russia information because he didn't want to unfairly influence the election?

So Trump steaks? Did Trump ever make scotch? Or did he only make Trump Vodka?