
I'm seeing double. 4 "Lisa needs braces"

"Lisa needs braces"

Since he went on vacation today, it looks like he'll outdo the Bushes by taking weekly vacations.

I know what you mean. My daughter is currently in 5th grade, and towards the end of every school year, the school sends us a list of the supplies she will need for the next year. Besides the standard items like a back pack, pencils, notebooks etc., these lists also include dry erase markers, boxes of kleenex, paper

No way you'd be able to get that much alcohol past Bannon.

I'm going to tinkle so much, you'll be tired from all the tinkling.

If they were honest about many of Reagan's actual policies and actions, he would no longer be their patron saint.

It's kind of like how East Germany was a democracy because its official name was "The German Democratic Republic".

Isn't that what incited the Bowling Green Massacre?

When a ruling doesn't go their way, conservatives either complain the judge is too liberal or that he's "legislating from the bench"

It's part of the Ivanka Trump collection. Not the collection she used to sell at Nordstrom's, but her collection of spreads and sheets in her closet at home.

And that ultra-classy decor just speaks volumes, doesn't it? I especially like the light cord hanging down behind him.

Of all the members of Trump's administration to align himself with, Ryan chose Steve Bannon. That's enough to completely disqualify him from ever being thought of as a decent person, or as someone with integrity.

At worst, a "1", At best, a "7"?

"Speak loudly and swing a big dick"

If we only had someone who said things like "That loser Obama couldn't get single-payer healthcare passed", or "Obama couldn't stop global warming", to him- we'd be set.

Trump just took white supremacy groups and the like off the terrorist watch list, so, officially, any mass slaughters by Christians are no longer counted as terrorist attacks.

What I don't understand is why so many ostensibly normal people think that the only way to fix a problem is to completely destroy it. The public school system is just the latest thing he's happy about Trump burning to the ground. On inauguration day, he told me to enjoy myself for the last time because Trump was

No- Kylie Ren, played by Kylie Jenner.

Sorry, Bannon's planned our war with China for early 2018.