
And now that her chance to make money off of her First Lady status has disappeared, she must really be miserable.

We can rename it a "Freedom Razor"- that should placate the right wing,

Spite seems to be one of Trump's primary motivators, so it could just be a case of projection.

Yeah- I just figured he'd be a weasel for the establishment asshole, not the Nazi one.

Offed by who? I don't think the situation in this country is that dire… yet.

If he had enough self-awareness to know how horrible he truly is, maybe he'd be less horrible.

I know too many people who are cheering on Trump's reign of destruction because they honestly believe they will be immune to any fallout. Just today, one of my coworkers told me how happy he is that DeVos got confirmed because the public school system does nothing but turn out morons, so he hopes Trump burns the

It's not just American Catholics, but American Christians in general who are this way. If Conservative Christians really embraced Christ's teachings, they would have been the first to reject Trump.

He's very qualified for that position.

Silence = consent

Recent news reports say that Paul Ryan is cozying up to Bannon.

What galls me is that many Catholic Bishops wanted to deny Joe Biden and Tim Kaine communion because of their pro-choice leanings, but none of them seem to have any problem with Bannon's pro-Nazi politics.

Which is why Bannon's executive orders are only one paragraph long.

I'm partial to "British Milhouse"

Apparent;y, he's going on vacation again this weekend. So not only is he gunning to take W's place as "Worst President", he's also trying to beat his record for most days spent on vacation.

I'm more anxious about the outcome of France's election.

Well, when you're 91, have Parkinson's and being treated for pneumonia, I think 2 weeks is a pretty miraculous recovery time.

He also hold the record for living the longest after leaving office. And I think he and GHWB are in a competition to see who can beat Ford's record as former President who lived the longest.

Isn't great how George Bush was too sick to attend Trump's inauguration, but he and his wife suddenly got better in time to go to the Superbowl?

That's because God's too modest to brag about how he was totally in the zone when he created Trump.