He and Steve Bannon remember the Holocaust, just not for the same reasons rational people do.
He and Steve Bannon remember the Holocaust, just not for the same reasons rational people do.
Don't count on McCain. He likes to talk tough to preserve his "Maverick" status, but whenever it comes time to act, he falls in line like a good little lapdog.
"Trump had 3 Doors Down and a handful of Rockettes."
He wanted to watch the TV show "Annoying Orange", but Alba set him up with A Clockwork Orange instead. It all went downhill from there.
IIRC, Drew is pretty conservative. I don't know if he's a Trump supporter, but he's definitely supported part Republican Presidents/candidates.
Or even over, under, sideways, down?
During the Bush administration, Pro-Life activists tried to make "Snowflake babies" the go-to term to describe fetuses. Apparently, because they were special and delicate and needed protection, with the underlying hint of "We only care about the white ones."
Yeah- apparently he couldn't enjoy the White House on his first weekend there. Now I feel bad about the mockery.
Kind of like how Trump voters had no idea he and the Republicans were going to repeal the ACA and dismantle Medicare and Medicaid despite their being extremeley vocal about it. I guess history does repeat itself.
Isn't that kind of how the 1970s transitioned us from the 1960s to the 1980s?
I thought Atlas Shrugged was the Republican Bible.
It's only as eloquent as it has to be. When you have people who will immediately parrot any talking point you care to blurt out (How quickly did Trump's "Grab them by the pussy" remarks become "Locker room talk" in the right's mind?), you don't have to waste a lot of time trying to be clever.
Actual Dick Cheney quote during the Bush administration: "Deficits don't matter."
Sean Lennon?
When the Dixiecrats abandoned the Democratic party in 1964, they were welcomed with open arms by the Republicans, and have a pretty comfy home there ever since.
You must never have seen the American pilots for Red Dwarf- horrible, horrible shows.
I did one of those things, too, but it was in the comfort of my own home. I was sent a DVD with a pilot for TV series based around some unfunny comedian who looked Ted Cruz, and who had a really harsh Chicago accent. The instructions told me to watch everything, and to not fast-forward through the commercials (which…
On top of all the other awful things this administration is responsible for, it's also giving us Presidential slash fiction.
That's what brought them together- they were recruited to go to Germany to steal it from Hitler.
OK- percentage. Of course, you miss the point that while white supremacists like to point out the percentages for black on black homicide as some kind of evidence that blacks are worse than whites, the truth is white on white crime is pretty much the same as black on black.