Really? Please enlighten me how black on black crime rates are so much worse than white on white rates, given that they're both pretty much identical.
Really? Please enlighten me how black on black crime rates are so much worse than white on white rates, given that they're both pretty much identical.
W was supposed to have had a lot of Daddy issues too, allegedly. Maybe it's what sparks the drive and egotism to even contemplate running for President.
Did you know that the rate of white on white crime is pretty much the same as black on black crime? 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks, while 82% of whites are killed by other whites.
On the positive side, it does have a lot of B-complex vitamins.
Serious question- what was Trump's relationship to his own father? Were they close? Or was he always trying to get his father's love?
The stryrofoam layers were for her.
"Then have a couple of Russian call girls pee on it."
Nope- you're thinking of plagiarism.
Are you sure? Donald just told the CIA that this was the largest turnout for an inauguration ever- that the crowds reached all the way to the Washington Monument, and that pictures showing otherwise were clearly faked. Donald's press secretary backed him up on that.
Haven't the Republicans in Congress recently said that the dollar value of the land in our national parks is pretty low? Like, low enough to sell off to mining companies at affordable rates?
They always do- after all, they're the "Party of Personal Responsibility".
They're not going to make any gains. There are more Democrats up for re-election than Republicans, the House is gerrymandered so efficiently that the Republicans have a lock on it until at least the next census, if not beyond, and the Republicans will spend the next two years making sure that only the "right" kind of…
I think most of the rational Generals will be kept nowhere near Trump. He surrounds himself with yes-men and sycophants. I'm sure he would be able to find the one general itching to drop some bombs on the A-rabs and keep that guy close to him.
He's said that he's going to take the weekend off to relax, and he's not going to start presidenting until Monday, so we're safe until then.
I wish I were so optimistic, but my guess is that, long before the 2018 mid-terms, Republicans will have made it so difficult to vote for anyone who's not a rich, white landowner that we'll be pretty much in banana republic status in 2020.
What makes you think Congress wants to talk him out of it? The Republicans have been looking to defund PBS since its inception. Next thing you'll be telling me is that this is how they're going to save Social Security and Medicare, too.
I saw him at a small comic convention in the 90s, before he was really well known in America. Mostly he answered questions from the audience, but he also demonstrated a few punches. My God! He moved so fast, you could really only see the start and finish of his moves- everything in between was a blur.
When you've got that much money, they're "Escorts".
Strangely, I share Donald's kink- I only pee on beds that presidents have slept in. That's why I'm banned for life from Monticello.
Just end it with all the characters lined up on opposing sides, ready to do battle. Fade out, then fade back in to a field of poppies. It worked really well for Blackadder IV.