She was riding Little Sebastian.
She was riding Little Sebastian.
Man! They has to go and ruin a perfectly good wagon movie with all that fruity singing.
Are there any songs about California on it?
That's one of the things that bothers me if I think too hard about the morality of the show. In order to get to the good place, you need to be in (say) the top 1% of humanity. If you make it, your reward is a nice but bland afterlife, kind of like living in Disney's Main Street USA. If you're the rest of humanity,…
I think some branches of Christianity posit an "Age of Accountability." Basically, the belief that children under a certain age are too young to truly know the difference between right and wrong, and are, therefore, unable to sin. Children, then, automatically get into Heaven.
No mention of the best part- Jimmy spitting up blood after being knocked down by the horse? Maybe I'm a sick man, but that brought out the loudest laughs for me.
I didn't know Trump was psychic! He was able to predict tweets from 2016 in 2012!
No- they're ignorant. There's a difference.
They're not hypocrites- they're just the purest examples of doublethink around today.
"If Harvey Milk were alive today, he'd be a Republican!"
Assange is on Trump's side. If he has or receives any information that would be damaging to Trump, he'll just sit on it. He's not really interested in disseminating anything unless it hurts Obama and Clinton, both of whom he's holding grudges for.
I was too young to see it when it came out, but I remember my parents went. It freaked my mother out so much that she turned on every light in the house, and left them on for about a week.
Yet, sadly, Ted Nugent still hasn't been offered a spot.
Given Trump's relationships with his daughters, he'd probably tell them to change the title to Breakfast At Ivanka's.
All you'd need is for Joe Simpson to show up to complete the trifecta.
8 years of steadily dropping unemployment, workers' wages finally going up, affordable healthcare for a majority of the people, Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security still existing, legal gay marriage, the LGBTQ community having rights, legal abortion, a healthy stock market?
It's odd, though, how, when Democrats vote against their interests, they vote Republican. Yet, when Republicans vote against their interests, they also vote Republican.
Hmmm. Cheese Pizza -> "CP" -> Child Porn
You can only pee in them if Pres. Obama wore them first, though.