
Ethics have nothing to do with it- Burnett's a friend of Trump's. He wants to make Trump's inauguration into some kind of grand spectacle.

The MSM media never carried it, but some of the same "news" sites so beloved of the alt-right claimed not only was Michelle Obama trans, but Barack was gay and he married her as a cover-up.

If you think the Republican Party treated Obama respectfully in any way, you're delusional.

Also known as the Story of the Republican party in the 2000's and 2010's.

If she can't say "GODDAMNIT!", at least let her gag. Dee on the verge of throwing up is always hilarious.

That's what they call their raw pork dishes.

Or, to put it in Arnold's native tongue: "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer"

Right now, in the Pennsylvania stop on his Victory tour, he is thanking African-Americans for not voting, thereby giving him the Presidency. I don't think he really wants to unite the nation.

Turns out it's all "Oh, gotta support the president!" when it's not a black guy democrat.

Perhaps, but I strongly doubt her Secretary of State would have been the CEO of a petroleum company with major ties to Russia and no foreign policy experience.

They were going to do that if Hillary had won anyway, no matter what the margin of victory was.

I'm not sure I'd want to have sex with any woman that deems me spongeworthy because I have a copy of The Art of Deal on my coffee table.

Nah- they're just making their ambassadors stay at his hotels when they come to the US.

Unfortunately, he's delegating a lot of his leadership responsibilities to Pence, and the rest of his horrendous cabinet picks. He might have already achieved his goal by winning, but the rest of the Republican party hasn't started going for its wishlist yet.

He's written more books than he's read!

My wife's from Ecuador, and around Christmas (and for other celebrations) they do a variation called pernil. It's a roasted pig, with local seasonings- it's amazing.

Damn you, 2016! First you kill off tons of beloved celebrities- now you're unleashing new varieties of spiders into the world! Enough already!

The did do it scientifically- they opened the Bible to a random page, and it said nothing about global warming. Therefore, it was just a freak occurrence.

Someone tell Mohd about this- it's the cure for his problems with Suicide Squad.

Did he really say that?