Tiffany is the forgotten Trump child- we won't be hearing much from her until 2020 rolls around, and Trump is running for re-election.
Tiffany is the forgotten Trump child- we won't be hearing much from her until 2020 rolls around, and Trump is running for re-election.
Any current Republican office holder other than Kasich. The only positive thing I can say about him is that he turned down the chance to be the shadow President. Of course, that ended up giving us VP Pence, but still…
I'd always wondered why Pearl always called Crow "Art". Now, 20 years later, I know… the rest of the story.
Too busy to have that press conference or to attend intelligence briefings.
Oddly enough, no one pirates Ted Nugent's music anyway, so it's basically a wash.
I wish we could go back to the glory years of "Lisa needs braces" and "Lol- wtf is Starz?"
I'm pretty sure Pence will be the portrait to Trump's Dorian Gray.
She could also star on the upcoming Supergirl/Flash musical crossover episode.
With John Wayne on Xylophone, and Adolf Hitler on Vibes!
Speed bumps every 15 feet to ensure the limo stays at a moderate 20MPH.
The same same can be said for fans of the genre.
Remember how the right called Michelle a trollop for wearing a dress that showed her arms? They said she was a disgrace and should be dressed more accordingly with the dignity of being First Lady.
Titicacastocracy, because 8 year old boys need something to laugh at.
I saw him at a convention recently- he does not look good at all. It was quite depressing.
Which is also why I fear the Democrats may never win another election- now that the Republicans are in charge, they are going to make sure that only the "right" kinds of people get to vote. I think the Jim Crow era will return with a vengeance.
I don't know how many of my Facebook friends saw that as a plus- that not being a politician made him the best candidate. My arguments that he knew nothing about how politics or government or the Constitution worked fell on deaf ears.
These voters were fine as long as it looked like those other people were going to lose their medicare and other benefits. Now that they realize that they are going to be personally affected as well, suddenly the incoming administraiton doesn't look as good.
"Asshole" is better because "Nazi" accurately defines their positions. You don't want to give the game away, do you? The Republicans in the Senate and House might actually have to reject some of Trump's nominees if enough people realize what they actually stand for.
Yes- but he left a hole in the Supreme Court that the Republicans successfully left open for Trump to fill. It's a wash.
I'll never elevate neo-Nazis to positions of power, or try to destroy Medicare, either. What's your point?