
My Bloody Valentine did the soundtrack.

No matter where you go in the world, all Happy Families recipes are alike. Each Unhappy Family is delicious in its own way.

Their next one is due some time in 2025.

This summer I was reading Peter Guralnick's biography of Elvis Presley. When I got to the part where Elvis and Scotty Moore meet for the first time, I wondered to myself if Scotty was still around. Later that same day, his death showed up on the news. It was very disconcerting.

"You put Basil in the ratatouille?? You put basil in the ratatouille?"

I love Basil's description of Sybil's laugh- "Like someone machine gunning a baby seal."

At least not for another 1900 years or so.

My mom is 74. Her first comment when she heard Florence Henderson died was "She was only 82. So young,"

Occasionally, the rapper will give out a few "Yes, yes, y'all"'s to pump up the crowd and get them psyched for whoever it is and whatever he's here to say.

My favorite is the "Mayberry RFD" strip- it's tasteless, but probably a lot closer to the reality of s small-town Southern sheriff in the Jim Crow era.

That's also about the time that he turned into an angry, bitter old man. It's probably one of the few times that a Republican politician seems to have shown evidence of making a mistaking and then acknowledging it (at least internally).

And the senior citizens are panicking now that he is getting rid of medicaid. It's almost as if he really doesn't care about the poor people who make up his base.

Oh- so close! He finished with "Wake Up.", but forgot to add "Sheeple" and to punctuate it with an exclamation point.


"Pitiful Hurricane Helga is only a class-2 storm. Now that I'm president, only the victims of the classiest of Class-1 storms will get FEMA aid."

I thought that Barry would help with by running in circles and creating an updraft to disperse the virus into space.

Is it irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to.

A National City 9, maybe.

Sorry- I guess I don't do sarcasm well. I'm on your side, just trying to provide a comment along the lines of what Griner himself is thinking. Guess I've got to do a better job.

God, you're an asshole.