
Maybe you should talk to Dick Cheney (one of Pence's role models, btw) about how much influence a VP can have, especially when he's serving under someone who is ill-suited for the Presidency,

One of Trump's top picks for the Supreme Court believes that gays should be arrested for having sex in the privacy of their own homes. So perhaps Trump isn't as unwilling to throw gays under the bus as you are assuming.

Do you only get your information from Facebook? I've seen this in actual newspapers and news shows. It seems as if you ignore any real sources of information so you can claim plausible deniability and just remain an ignorant tool.

Oh- you're a college boy! That explains it- you've been indoctrinated by one of those re-education camps that calls itself a University. No wonder you don't know anything about the real world.

I'm about the same age as you, and I had the same experience- I don't think any of my history classes ever brought up internment.

It's also ironic that the Republicans still consider Ronald Reagan a demi-god, in good part because of the way he allegedly stood up to the Russians. Ronnie would never have let Putin get away with this.

I'm sorry, but these were the actual words out of her mouth. If you still deny it, then you're just being ignorant.

Look at Trump himself! He's one of us- he started with nothing but a rich father who gave him a multi-million dollar loan and who bailed him out when his business failed, and became a success. If he can do it, so can you!

It's like the run up to the election all over again. Get the press to focus on small controversies and completely ignore the real issues. I've got to hand it to Trump- he's mastered the art of directing attention away from anything that would get him in trouble.

What's wrong with Megyn Kelly?

So the Germans and Italians in America didn't have any ties to their respective homelands? Why were only the Japanese singled out?

It's like the guy I work with who can complain that Obama's ruined the economy beyond all repair, and then brag about how well his stock portfolio is doing.

But I think Pence doesn't have the same hold over the populace that Trump has. Of course, he probably has more real respect amongst Republican law makers, so he'd probably have an easier time pushing things through.

We have a store in our town that got defaced with pro-Trump graffiti every day since the election. The owners would clean it up, and one day even had a bunch of school-kids paint a "Love Trumps Hate" sign to cover it up. But, every morning, it would be defaced again.

I was used to think they had ruined blatant anti-Semitism, too, but I guess I was wrong.

He wants to have a really kick-ass band greet us at the Pearly Gates when the apocalypse comes next year.

The House is too gerrymandered to even consider it going to the Democrats until the next redistricting after the 2020 census.

I love how he feels he was qualified to run for President, but not qualified enough for any positions in Trump's cabinet.

Ask Dr. Ben Carson

Because authoritarianism is baked into modern Republican philosophy. That's why they all hold up Putin as an example of a great world-leader.