It's just because the majority of people outgrow that kind of blatant mocking when they're in their teens. He really never has matured since elementary school.
It's just because the majority of people outgrow that kind of blatant mocking when they're in their teens. He really never has matured since elementary school.
Republicans can be pretty dismissive of the troops and veterans when it serves their purpose. The went with the draft-dodger over the guy who could have gotten a deferment but went to Viet Nam anyway in 2000, and mocked Kerry's Purple Heart in 2004.
I think his entire conception of what colleges are like was formed by Chick Tracts and those Facebook memes where professors threaten to fail their students unless they proclaim that God doesn't exist.
Over the summer, I saw an interview with a reporter who said that a lot of the press corp was rooting for Trump's success, because it would make their jobs more interesting. Apparently, President Obama is boring to write about because things run so smoothly with him, but a President Trump would screw up so much…
Heck Dad did a pretty good job, too- when he ran for President in 1988 he portrayed himself as the outsider, after having spent the previous 8 years as VP, and having been head of the CIA, ambassador to China and member of the House of Representatives. And people believed it, too.
i work with a fundie who homeschooled his kid. He sincerely believed that the reason evolution is taught so widely is because universities are secretly controlled by their archaeology departments.
Yah, weh!
I'm happy when it rains new JAMC music.
Let's go crazy with this pun thread
What if I told you that Larson credits Zac Snyder as her inspiration in all matters directorial?
"People magazine, for its part, has no problem jumping on the Trump family bandwagon, publishing a slideshow titled “27 Photos of Ivanka Trump and Her Family That Are Way Too Cute” the morning after Trump’s upset."
I just read that whenever Trump stays in NYC, all of the streets around the building will have to be blocked off. The resulting traffic jams ought to endear him to the residents of the city.
I remember how well Republicans reacted to both of Obama's wins. They were so much more mature.
He can't be anti-semitic! He served in the navy, and worked in Hollywood for a while. And we all know the Jews run Hollywood!
I was mocked on Facebook for using the NY Times, Washington Post, and LA Times to bolster my arguments. The person I was arguing with immediately told me I was an idiot because my information came from newspapers (not those specific ones, but newspapers in general). I didn't have the heart to ask her where she got…
If liberals were really tolerant, they'd tolerate racists flying the Confederate flag and "Sieg Heiling"- it's really just the alt-right equivalent of two bros high-fiving each other.
No- but before you start saying Trump has any sort of mandate or that he was the people's choice, look at the reality. More people chose Hillary than Trump- she was the obvious preferred candidate.
I guess you are being willfully ignorant- he was editor at Breitbart and gladly turned it into an instrument of white nationalism. He has spoken at several white nationalist conventions and gatherings, and is, in addition to being virulently anti-semitic and racist, a violent man who allegedly beat his wife.
Oh- so just because some people prefer doing the Bellamy salute during the Pledge of Allegiance, or when they're greeting their friends, that makes them racist?
And Putin- don't forget Putin!