Mr Uppercut

They aren’t. If you’re impressionable, that’s your own problem. I’ve never changed my play style just to emulate someone else’s. I do what’s fun for me and nothing else.

You can delay your wake-up from the ground by holding down in MKX. Sometimes you delay it sometimes you don’t just to stay random and mess with their timing. If he knew the timing, better he could’ve jumped over the rocket, then, ran in to close distance.

It’s all valid. The opponent just didn’t know how to close the distance. He could've spammed Liu Kang’s own fireball in return to not take damage and force him to change strategy.

Now playing

A better vid. So god damned funny. It just goes to show no matter how good you are, if you can win by spamming projectiles, then why wouldn’t you?

Yeah. Can’t forget that.

Ah okay. They did alright with THPS HD. Hopefully they don’t mess this up.

Too bad Neversoft, is no longer a company. I wonder who’s in charge of development. Is Robomodo, still around?

I still play this.

Are you sure? Platinum Games only signed a publishing deal with Sega. Are you sure they don’t just own the publishing rights to the first Bayonetta and that’s it? It would be a stupid business move to not at least have your name attached to the sequel at all even if they had no part in it.

No it does not.

The Wire.

Littlefinger will always be Carcetti to me.

MK vs DC was garbage for many reasons. Had the actual fighting game been any good, I think people would’ve overlooked the PG-13 fatalities.

The ever popular Mortal Kombat Vs. Street Fighter was always tossed around whenever a new game in either franchise came out. This only intensified when Capcom started doing the Vs. series.

While playing a match of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on XBOX Live (you know, where intelligent conversation always happen) I came across a rather delightful fellow. In the post- match lobby he decided to share what he thought of me and my relationship status.

Thier animations and move-set are recycled from MK9.

One of the reasons they did this is because their animations and move-set are from MK9. They didn’t do much balancing to that I’d assume so they wouldn’t be viable (or completely broken) in competitive multiplayer.

I was put off by the lack of Vaas (Nacho.) I thought he would be more of central character in the show but maybe that comes next season.

I bet he makes a terrible ham sandwich.