Mr Uppercut

Somewhere Kinsey is cackling like a madwoman over this article.

Ethical Arts

Idea debt? You mean procrastinating?

DOA borrowed its gameplay from Virtua Fighter. Eventually, some Virtua Fighter character’s appeared in DOA5.

Will the audio be remastered? I remember the dialog being in poor quality in the 1st game.

If they upscale and add widescreen to JSRF, I’d cry!

Here’s hoping WB takes the hint with the rest of their games.

Considered universally the worst? You’re telling me there are people out there in this world that think the original Burnout is better than Paradise? (I assume we’re not including handhelds and ports)

Hey everybody, we have a Tom Brady truther. Any other irrelevant oddities you want to share?

Personal limitations.

Bundles are too humble -5.8/10

It’s not. SOTN is.

I feel like I see an article touching this exact topic each month around the web.

DLC is the way of times. I’m not about to complain about that. It is what it is. I’ll buy the characters I like.

Ryce never clarified but that does seem to be the case.

People are still in denial over the leak.

Death pools don’t really exist anymore since most majors have done away with late registration. For the most part, the T.O’s try to spread the top players between all the brackets to avoid imbalance and death pools.

Dragon Ball Super has had an amazing run the past year. A lot of the new characters introduced have been interesting. There are a lot of ways the show can unfold and ts getting pretty exciting to see how on a week to week basis.

It was also because Capcom announced Dreamhacks premier status after the hotels had already sold out for the event.

Now playing

Man, those commercials were so on the nose.