Mr Uppercut

The Ziggler cash-in is one of my top moments in Wrestling from the past 10 years or so. That was great!

Have you ever uploaded any footage? I would love to see!


This is part of why the formation of Image always kills me. It took Jim Lee, Silvestri, and Portacio, away from X-MEN (and McFarlane from Spider-man.) Of course, this is a small complaint because Image, is awesome and very necessary.

When I think of The King, I don't think of X-MEN. No complaints here.

One year anniversary.

I can only imagine how long it's gonna take to reinstall all of that on my x1.

More men would probably speak-up if it weren't for people like you. You are apart of the problem.

Yeah... kind of. The originals were more cheesy than anything. This one tried a little to hard with sexual innuendo and swear words at times. As a whole I didn't mind (or cared for that matter) but there were some instances where i said to myself "really?" like the fuck you scene and Vergil and Dante comparing dick

That game was amazing but tried way too hard to be edgy at times. I'm glad they're realizing it. Hopefully they re-worked that "fuck you" scene as well.

You can use your x1 controlleron pc now if you don't mind using a USB wire.

Has Anita put her video series on the back burner? It seems shes put more focus on traveling and doing lectures than the series (No complaints. Just an observation.)

This game was pure cheese. From the cheesy fighting scenes that were dated even by 2005 standards; to the completely shotgunned romance between Carla and Lucas.

From a gameplay perspective, Other M was pretty damn good! But it was everything else that bogged it down.

It's sad that Other M, effectively put a stop to the metroid series. It wasn't that bad of a game. But it wasn't Metroid: Prime, which is one of the most under-appreciated series of games ever!

Would've been even funnier if he had said something like... "'James Sherzer,' of Kotaku said..."

Yeah. I'm simple-minded at times. All it took was more than one person in a mech fighting big monsters, and a sword for me to make the connection. If an unnecessary explosion happened after the Kaiju died, I would've lost it.