Mr Uppercut

I like it.

At first glance these are hard to understand.

Technically, its always been mutations. The T-Virus, mutated everybody.

As much as it pains me to say it, it sucked. But, its worth it just for the novelty of it.

I have a question.

If you like Shenmue, you will love this series. Yakuza 3 & 4 are 2 of only a handful of games I have beaten on the PS3.

Not good enough to receive a timely release, if at all.

That would make too much sense.

Same game, different publisher.

Ah, got it. Makes sense then.

Yeah there is no doubt this game sucks but, like the original poster mentioned, how many times must Kotaku let us know about it?

Which write up of Yakuza were you reading? The review of Yakuza 5 on here was putrid.

They shit on anything related to SEGA.

$7. It does have a "lite" version you can try before you buy.

I agree, its a stupid notion. Its like pancakes, I eat those whenever the fuck I want, not just for breakfast.

Sorry, I though your post said "Americans." Misread.

Completely ridiculous but, I hope Microsoft & Sony are bluffing just to see which one is stupid enough to implement this. Especially in this day & age when consumers are always looking for a way to save money.

Being Platinum Games new publisher, is a major step in the right direction for Nintendo.

Judging from the replies I've gotten, you're not alone.

One can only hope. The only reason I would get a Wii U (other than the reason I've already stated) is for Bayonetta 2. Wii U doesn't excite me too much at the moment.