Mr Uppercut

That's an overgeneralization. I can't have anything carbonated until I had a somewhat heavy meal.

Or maybe people with better digestive systems than I. So a lot of people.

I personally couldn't do it. I can't have soda until I have my lunch. But then again, my digestive system is a tricky one.

That would be the only upside. Gamestop, shutting down that is.

Read it again.

Who drinks soda in the morning?

I'll get a Wii U if PS4 & New Xbox decide to block used games.

I remember seeing at PAX last year and thinking, this is gonna suck! A shame really. Gearbox, can clearly do better & Sega, loses more rep.


If you have the money to buy a movie prop, then you have enough money to give to an orphanage as well. It doesn't have to be one or the other when you reach that kind of wealth.

Why is it so glossy? I'd prefer it to be flat colored. It is a very pretty controller regardless.

I see that coming next year for its 10 year anniversary.

Something tells me this guy takes pictures of himself with his lips puckered, while wearing an Affliction t-shirt.

I'm not questioning the purpose of his facial expression. It just looks funny, that's all.

Batmans face is hilarious. It is so out of character for him.

The state of Rhode Island.

Blezinski, didn't have that kind of clout at Epic. He was creative director. He had nothing to do with the business end of things.

I'm in the same boat as you. Just because you like one kind of game, doesn't mean you can't like the other.