Mr Uppercut

I have about 30 games for PS2. I, for some misguided reason, decided to make the original XBOX my main console.

Prank of the year!

I have spent so much money on Steam the past 2 weeks that it is hard to justify buying any more games. But, that 2k pack on Amazon is screaming "Buy Me!"

"cool have fun being insulted and given games that are horribly made with terrible story..." Because Devil May Cry 1-4 set the bar high for story telling, right?

Ah okay. Now I see what your saying and I agree. Great game but some people mistakenly think its the pinnacle of video games.

Why is when someone doesn't like a game they call everybody else that likes it a fan boy? You don't like it and that's cool. That doesn't make the rest of us that do biased fan boys. It just means we like the game. Of course their is such thing as a fan boy, but they aren't even close to the majority. For Skyrim to

I was grouping all the Fantasy games & the fact that Skyrim came out not too long before KOA. And I agree, they are two different experiences. But at first glance they seem similar.

38 Studios made the unfortunate decision to try & go up against the likes of Skyrim. KOA, was a great game but, it was no Skyrim.

... wow.

Can't wait to see this bad boy at a more affordable price.

Saying the Kinect sucks is an opinion no matter how much you believe that statement to be an actual fact.

This can only help WiiU sales. I think most people will buy the console they can play used games on, even if it will be under-powered soon enough.

I watched that video in its entirety. I wish he would've had more instances of blocking players movements. That was trolling gold!


Well thank you for that answer. I can't say I disagree with you entirley on your complaints either. You make valid points.

I just want to curl up & cry right now... C'mon Sega get Team Yakuza on this!!! Or give it to Yu Suzuki.

Please do then. Though I do agree on the 30 FPS. Its my biggest gripe and the reason i will get it on PC where its 60 FPS.

Not really. I don't really like Tameem either but, I hope the game does well enough that another dev studio doesn't have to go under.

So because Tameem is a cock munch the rest of Ninja Theory deserves to fail & most likely go under?

I bashed this game once it was announced but soon after did a 180. I cannot wait for this game. Sure Dante doesn't look like Dante but are we really judging an entire game on a character model?