Mr Uppercut

No. Just no.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that appreciates this game soundtrack!

Slappers only, it is!

You can! Press Y to switch to pay with points. I bought it this way.

Its on sale on the 360 for $10 (or 800pts). Bought it immediately considering that getting used copy on Amazon runs $32.

I agree with you. I'm just so bummed out because I want that survival aspect back! RE6 isn't a horrible game its just not the game I want. On top of that what it tries to do, it doesn't do very well. But it can be fun and great for the right person.

What makes me sad is that I was able to play AND finish Operation Racoon City. I just couldn't do it with RE6. Kind of Depressing.

I beat ORC. Was it good? NO. Was it as bad as the reviews mad it out to be? Nope. As bad as ORC was I was able to stomach it and beat it. RE6 I had enough after a 1 chapter in each campaign.

Most disappointing game of the year. This is the only Resident Evil title I have yet to beat. I just don't care to.

Now playing

Here is my favorite commercial from the 90's! Like you said, the 90's had their own certain flair & style. I miss it.

I've saved a few of mine as well. Though this website has seen better days, has an awesome collection of old gaming magazines.

Damn, I could look at this kind shit all day. Love seeing stuff like this and the ads in old gaming magazines.

Amazing how much a hair style can age somebody. That 3rd pic is hilarious.

So a launch day release for next gen consoles.

EGM's review of Halo 4 was one of the most ridiculous reviews I've read this year.

I have a limited edition code and downloaded the map pack without issue last night. I guess I'm in the minority.

My point is, he is complaining about nothing. Its simply a small error that has already been fixed.

First world problems.


Kotaku seriously needs a (guest) writer for fighting games. Throughout the years the staff has shown little knowledge of the genre.