I feel bad for developers who lose money on piracy. I don't feel bad if your on disc paid DLC is hacked though. Capcom got what they deserved with the whole Street Fighter X Tekken debacle.
I feel bad for developers who lose money on piracy. I don't feel bad if your on disc paid DLC is hacked though. Capcom got what they deserved with the whole Street Fighter X Tekken debacle.
Your joking right?
Adventure Time is the best cartoon out right now. This is coming from a 24 year old.
Something tells me this network isn't far from shutting down all together. It was taken off my Directv package and I didn't even notice until months later.
I don't know about you Luke, but, the Super Pad (pictured) was my favorite 64 controller. It still works till this day!
I'd say since 10.
I want to shove a dagger into any franchise that has a yearly installment (COD, Madden, etc)
Some people didn't like 2 for some reason. I find both to be magnificent.
The graphics weren't even that great in comparison to MGS2 either. But, I am a Twin Snakes fan, since I suck at Metal Gear the decrease in difficulty was welcomed from me.
Thank you for reminding me. I was thinking about getting this soon but, yeah I'll just wait for Christmas when the complete edition is sure to come out.
Shame hes leaving designing behind (kind of) but at least he will mold a new generation of them. I bet will be an awesome experience to learn from him.
Here's to hoping they decided to re-release 03 with current rosters. Tenth anniversary, and was the game that introduced the freestyle stick. C'mon EA do it!
I still play 03. One of my favorite basketball games ever.
And here I thought the music genre was dead.
Damn Luke I needed that.
Sucks, he's such an awesome director. He's one of few creators who's games I make it a point to buy release day.
I remember my mom gave me a choice between this and All-Star Baseball. I chose All-Star Baseball. It wasn't until a few years later I realized what kind of bullet I dodged.
THANK YOU! Now to get rid of jet packs...
Anybody know if 4 will have the same equipment system as Reach? I love Reach and all but if this system returns I won't be getting this for awhile.
Very excited for The Shadow! I've been waiting for a new ongoing for awhile.