Mr Uppercut

I never said anything about Snoop and Dre being pioneers for the tech, don't know where you got that from. I didn't say it was a waste either as I said before I think its pretty awesome. But thanks for putting words in my mouth, that's always fun.

A busted out laughing for "A Load in The Dark."

I'd use it as a new form of communication. Do you think this the best use for the tech? Again this performance is pretty awesome but I just feel Coachella should focused on current (living) artists.

You missed my point. I'm not talking about Tupac's impact or anything like that, I'm commentating on the current state of the music industry. The Industry is so stale that it has to resort to making holographic performances of dead artists to keep people interested.

What does it say about the music industry that it has to resort to things like this? Awesome tech, but was it really necessary?

Thanks for the advice it means a lot.

Does a person who has wonderful ideas but doesn't know how to code or program ever find success in the industry? If so, how?

One of the worst really!? If you don't consider it the best that's fine, but saying its one of the worst makes it hard for me to take your opinion seriously.

Best RPG on the PS1, and still one of the best today!

I'll be buying these again!

For $5 its a hell of a purchase but for full retail it falls a little flat. The characters swear way too much for me to take anything story wise seriously. The game play was fun but shallow.

What is it with Epic Games and blaming pirates all the time? Maybe, just maybe, Bulletstorm wasn't all that great.

I guess I can respect his approach for the Gem system, but its really useless in this game. I wish there was an option to just turn it off.

I played this at PAX, easily a first day download for me or for anybody that's a fan of the "Metroidvania" style!

Rage, is a great (not perfect) game that for some reason didn't get a fair shake. Carmack has been fine without Romero and always will be, not many can program like him. As for Romero, I wish the guy nothing but the best he is a pretty cool guy. I got the chance to talk to him not to long ago.

Loved most of Suda's other games, I HATED Killer 7. That game was simply not for me.

I said the same exact thing when I saw this.

That's up to capcom. Shocking that they decided to re-release it on the PSP only considering their propensity for milking an IP.

Fuck! Completely missed her!

Honestly, after having time to reflect on it the ending wasn't bad. The lack of variety between them is. No matter which decision you make your are just getting a simple "palette swap." which is really disheartening for me. I have already gotten over it too. I look forward to the DLC that will no doubt have Kasumi at