I was once like you. It gets better, way better!
I was once like you. It gets better, way better!
Or maybe the parent just thinks the video game is harmless for a kid his age even though the ESRB says otherwise. Did everybody really wait until they were 17 to play Halo?
Around season 12 you start seeing the decline. The past 5 seasons I haven't bothered to watch.
I was thinking the same thing that they can technically release a "complete" version, one that doesn't use its own online lobby and does have exclusive features. But, Yoshi Ono said that they only have one license from Namco and this would be the only release. Of course, things always change. If this game sells better…
Their is some substance to their word this time though. Namco only gave Capcom rights to one game.
They want to ensure easy compatibility, so why not just make the characters unlocked by default? I'm glad to hear their won't be a second iteration of this game, this is a good step in the right direction for Capcom who is notorious for re-releases. Now if they can get their heads out of their asses about on disc DLC…
How cheap can these fuckers get? Instead of pouring some money into getting a bigger server/ bandwidth you decide to pull the game!? Those kind of decisions usually results in someone getting fired.
Just recently I was arguing with my friends over DOA and Virtua Fighter. I can't understand how they like DOA and hate Virtua Fighter, when you break it down they are very similar games. Just one is more fast paced while the other is more technical.
Now can we get Rival Schools or Power Stone? Like I told my friend the other day, if your not going to make sequels to those at least bring some of those fighters into Street Fighter. They did this with the Final Fight characters (Cody, Guy, Poison) so it's not unheard of.
Scapegoat Wax - Aisle 10
It is true you have done a few on the Dreamcast already so I guess I can wait a while for another one of those. Did you already make one about 9.9.99? Maybe I missed it (or forgot.)
Luke, your Total Recall posts are awesome, some of my favorite on this site. Can I request you do one (or two) on the Saturn & Dreamcast? Keep up the good work!
Definitely a keeper! :) She knew exactly where the dialog was from and knew it word for word. She was just dumbfounded that I put it into a teddy bear, through time she learned to love it.
I made a bear that spouted these lines in bits and pieces when pressed for my girlfriend. I found it hilarious, she... I don't what she thought.
This demo sold me, trying to sell some stuff to get this Tuesday. I've missed having a good snowboarding game all these years.
I'm pretty sure it will be on Super Ultimate Street Fighter x Tekken that comes out 8 months after the original.
I knew it was coming, Street Fighter Vs. Capcom!
Scoops, Scoops Hagen Daas
... Mike Patton is still the voice of the Darkness...
I wish Desk would actually take his talent to a tourney. The videos are pretty neat, but I'd like to see him matched against the Daigo's, JWonng's, and PRBalrog's of the world.