Mr Uppercut

He did.

For some reason the original XBOX tends to get the grimiest of dust on it. Out of all the consoles I own this one was the dirtiest.

Man is the controller in the main picture dirty!

So your plan of attack is to fight a zombie game with a zombie franchise?

Yeah I think the emotion of the first Darkness is gone with this one. Loved the demo but its so clear another developer took the IP.

Yeah this game has great potential, I can play that demo over and over. While I think this games is going to be great I think it deviated too much from the first one. With that said they didn't fuck it up! Considering getting this first day.

OK, My first impressions of the Darkness 2 demo. It's clearly not made by Starbreeze anymore. Graphics are inspired by Street Fighter 4. The level up system is a very welcomed addition. They story so far seems more to draw more from its source which is kind of a bad thing because quite frankly the comic blows. The

Best SS transformation ever!

Now would be the perfect time for Capcom to do the one of the only crossovers it has left

It's better than I expected it to be. But, that isn't really saying much. It's definitely an improvement over XIII but not a big improvement. I'll wait for the price to drop on this one.

Which makes me wonder why they didn't just use Capcom's MT Framework instead of a sluggish Unreal engine. But I guess it just came down to familiarity with the engine and Capcom wanting it to look and feel "western."

I recently played Enslaved by Ninja Theory which increased my confidence in them exponentially. I have little doubt that they will make a well crafted game. BUT! Will it be true to Devil May Cry? Dante look has been changed, his back story also (half angel half demon). Most importantly the game will be running at only

See Capcom, this is a man (or woman?) with an idea would have been infinitely more bad ass than the current story.

Your are one of the best! I hope you don't go somewhere lame like IGN though. I don't want to see your talent wasted there.

I bought it 2 weeks, I don't regret it at all. It was so good it got me excited for Ninja Theory's DmC.

GOOD GOLLY!!!! I thought only me and 3 other people knew about this! I play this on MAME all the time.

Holy shit does the VGA's get worse each year or what? Good thing it has the trailer's and announcements or this would be nothing.

I nearly came watching that trailer. Looks like the rumors were true about Platinum Games being apart of the development which just makes this game a first day buy for me. All of Platinum Games' titles have been stellar and this looks to be no different.

Did the game really need a reboot? It had four entries in about a 7 Year time span all of which sold relatively well, and fared well with fans and critics (with the exception of 2 of course). It's still a young franchise it just turned 10 this year. That doesn't fit the criteria for a reboot. So to answer your

It's the disadvantages of the Unreal 3. 30 Fps only, I don't know how good A DMC game can be with that framerate considering DMC4 on the PC ran at 120 fps.