Mrs. Seth Cohen

Good to see a sane person in comments.

“The joke about Leslie Jones pitching a sketch where she just gets to have lots of sex with the Wakandan king is cute...”

This was the worst-written show of the season and you should feel bad for giving it a B

I came into this fully expecting at most a C-, and now I’m just baffled. Sketches seemed to be batting a .333 at max (dear god, why r. Kelly of all people; also, two casual “gypsy” drops in one episode? thought we were collectively over that one), with maybe 2 highs (black jeopardy was, as always, perfection, as was

The Magicians has been on FIRE this season.

I don’t know, I thinkthis was miles better than Jessica Chastain. At least Sterling had some comic energy about his performances. Jessica to me was more in the “ look, I can be funny too (makes funny faces)“ vane.

The writing isn’t good, but the story is a page turner and it’s entertaining, especially if you’re genx/not a millennial.

These assholes are taking it WAYYY too seriously.

Either my mother stole this recipe from Katherine Hepburn, or my mother IS Katherine Hepburn! I’ll believe what I want to believe! It’s what Ma Hepburn would’ve wanted.

Oh, I always take 3-4 sizes in with me too! But now I’m at a place where I see that as a normal part of shopping because women’s sizing is a mess. Whereas when I was a teenage, I was much more likely to see my ability to fit into a certain sizes as a reflection on myself.

Still mad The Magicians isn’t showing up in the regular coverage slot.

First day online?

Weird that there’s an article about Zack Morris right below this one because I always think that Darren Criss looks like Mark Paul Gosselaar in Dead Man on Campus when I see commercials for this show.

You didn’t have to jump out the window so soon after the joke. You could’ve let it linger

It’s a credit to the wardrobe people and his portrayal of the character that they were able for a second to have me doubt that William Jackson Harper isn’t a total smoke-show. I mean, I still thought the dude was hot, but seeing the non-Chidi version of him is like, daaaamn. Whereas Chidi is simply occasionally daaang.

Also, Chidi never makes fun of Eleanor despite her ignorance, and he is surprisingly jacked!

Hey, I love your whole comment until you get to the point when you *totally* disagree with me. I love the sperm song!

I couldn’t get past Lea Michele being in this-she’s just so unlikable to me which isn’t fair to YNB. I should have suffered more for her!

Hate how Bow decided to take time off from work.

Oh hell — I found this super charming, with more laugh-out-loud lines per episode than Modern Family has in a season nowadays.