Mrs. Seth Cohen

Damn that’s really horrible. I still will never understand the people, male or female, who would continue to be with a person who assaulted them. To have more than one instance of assault in a relationship is one too many. Never forgive a partner who has so little respect of you that they would hit you.

I actually have something good to say about this episode:

Honestly the most ridiculous part of this episode was the biker crowd booing AFTER Archie and Veronica stopped singing.

The main illegality i saw at the party was Toni, a high school girl, serving alcoholic drinks from behind the bar of a bar, so, I don’t know, maybe things on the south side really are totally out of control.

“Well, then, leave him... at home.”

I was very happy opal did not stay with nola. It is weird that Nola did not consider opal important enough to spend time with her except for when she is deprived of her regular three dicks

The Orville: Best Star Trek on tv.

This is the first outright negative review I’ve seen for this movie, and it kind of reads as though the reviewer is just holding a grudge against James Franco. So ... I’m still gonna go see it.

Sorry you didn’t like a well received movie.

Or maybe she doesn’t give a shit about ballet, and doesn’t have enough charisma to pretend that she does. For fuck’s sake, can we please end this stupid idea that Melania’s some sort of tragic character trapped in her own shitshow? She’s never had a personality to speak of, beyond vapid gold-digging socialite. Had

What a weird teaser for Westworld season 2.

I don’t know what there’s really to get about it. It’s the show where they talk to interesting people. It’s right there in the tagline.

One of the things I love about The Orville is that it sort of turns the Star Trek, “Humanity is the highest ideal” aspect on its head on a regular basis. That’s not a dig on Star Trek, I enjoyed Spock/The Doctor/Seven/Data’s quests to be more human, but I really like the way that this show plays off of that by saying

“Keith Mars for Sheriff”

Cheryl casually calling Toni “Cha Cha” was everything I never knew I needed in my life.

The acting on this show is so stellar. It really elevated it. Just like the fantastic acting on Parenthood for the show (although I personally feel Parenthood is a superior show to This Is Us).

Yikes! Any chance you could spoiler-tag casting info? That’s how I found out about Michael’s death a few weeks early. I’m totally fine with promo discussion, but “so-and-so is only in one more episode” seems a bit much.

I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.

"B-B-But… classical piano!"

A quick google search will reveal that J. Lee is, in fact, a black guy.