Mrs. Seth Cohen

I really really enjoyed that Sam was cooking a proper English breakfast in this episode - a nod to Phil. 

Does The Break Up count? Almost threw in Just Friends, but only because I have a great fondness for it. 

Didn’t Nana Blossom die in the last episode?!?!?!


The Deja speech about sleeping was SUCH a Randall speech.

I don’t know if that’s how the actor normally speaks/behaves, or if he made the choice to play the character as Dave.

Jack can’t the fire, can he? In the scenes from the next episode, I had the feeling that the creators wouldn’t make his death that graphic or gruesome. I’m hoping they have something up their sleeve..

I wish I had added that qualifier in, because you’re right. I’m 92% comfortable with my body, but sizes run wildly differently. :)

YES glad they addressed the fact that teenage Kate is NOT overweight. And I still take multiple sizes into dressing rooms as a 30-year-old.

I think Slater (or was it Screech?) had a pet lizard that he asked Zack to watch, and, to no one’s surprise, he loses it.

If I recall correctly, Margo made a deal with the elves and gave away the baby. But at zero-hour did she trade her eye for the babe?

I enjoyed The Mayor, but I kept waiting for it to really pull me in, and it never did. Brandon Michael Hall is wildly charming, so I was going to stick around regardless, but the episodes were too formulaic.

Didn’t seem to follow her characterization, unless it’s more rooted in her post-partum. Also...can she and Dre afford for her not to work?! They’ve discussed lowkey money troubles in the past..

He was the no-show? Did Doug mention that?

I noticed the gum with Grohl, too, and it made me realize he’s even more talented than I first thought.

Welcome to the Cappie train. :-D

I heard Dave, too...I wondered where it was going that James needed to play his brother in a sketch.

Interesting point...My first instinct is that it is a consequence of divorce. My parents are still together, and I called them Mom and Dad around the house. My parents also referred to each other as Mom and Dad when speaking to me and my brother. Sam wouldn’t call Xander “Dad” since that seems too

“I am pretty smart person, and really liked this show and it’s tone in season 1..”

It’s already been renewed for Season 2.