Mrs. Seth Cohen

I was shocked how much the teen-Pearson kids have grown. They really do grow up right before our eyes, don’t they? Weaponization of the past is absolutely dead on — now that the kids portraying the older actors have grown, we have something like a Russian-doll nostalgia effect happening here.

Yes, Superbad is a classic. You wouldn’t understand, grandpa.

I read the review before watching and was expecting the worst since I often find this show tedious. But it wasn’t as bad as I expected. What saves this show from it’s syrupy over-earnestness if the fact that everyone is a really good actor and they sell it (mostly). 

The two+ Good Place articles a week during the season is definitely exhausting, but I wouldn't let the overhype stop you from watching it. 

It holds up really well. Maniac has an ensemble cast, much bigger than the two leads, but those two play beautiful off one another. Jonah is reserved and makes his comedic timing count at the best times, and Emma scales mountains and valleys of emotion that actually resonated with me. I’ve never seen such a nuanced

First Nick, I enjoy your reviews, but how in God’s name did you rate this episode anything other than an A or A+?! It doesn’t get much better, man, seriously. The budget for the whole season seemed on display, it looked absolutely WONDERFUL, and the musical score was huge and engaging, VERY much like Empire Strikes

They have a real problem with Toxic Moclaninity.

Joe Rogan is the quintessential dumb guy’s idea of a smart guy. Kanye is (now) everybody’s idea of a dumb guy. This’ll go great.

Re. pronunciation: I just put that down to Jughead being an avid reader but not getting to hear the word in real life.

The Lodges are a tumor on Riverdale storytelling at this point. 

Missouri is not in the South.

Sabrina would have already had sex with her dad if they were following the comics.

Ok, so after 7 episodes I have to say: I like some parts, but overall I’m having a hard time buying in to this show. If I were given an invite to Hogwarts, I’d be thrilled—hang out with fun people, learn to fly brooms around, get involved in magic shenanigans! But what’s the upside to signing the book in Sabrina? You’r

She needs to stop trying to give her husband his big break by starring in movies he’s written or directed. Everything she’s done with him lately (Tammy, The Boss, and Life of the Party) has been awful. She’s tanking her career to try and help his. 

Take your star and go.

I know this whole article is a bit of a joke, and that even his Tweet is mostly a joke, but it just seems odd that you’d never mention the last part of that Tweet: “if only I could remember the start lol” because he had a serious drug addiction. I would imagine that’s really the point of his whole Tweet ...

I felt about this episode the way Dennis and most of the commenters felt about last week. It’s getting ever so slightly tiresome to see the characters earthbound and to see Michael’s increasingly desperate machinations to bring about the outcome for them that he wants. It’s felt like that a little bit for two episodes

Yes.  We all agree that it’s the chair.

I find Kate infuriating in general. 

Now I’m really stressed about eating blueberries. I love blueberries.