Holla to the Jezebelles who are giving a collective face palm for this article.
Holla to the Jezebelles who are giving a collective face palm for this article.
I had thought that - at the time - she was responding to all of the chatter about how Scientology was what drove them apart. Which was - reportedly - instigated by Armisen to cover for the fact that he was having an affair with a colleague. And, you know, blaming relationships probs on Scientology is a pretty easy…
I know, right????? I was so thrilled when I saw An Invocation. I squealed a little. Here's hoping you find joy in his fantabulous vblogs so far.
You know he now does a thing called A Show? Like The Show, but with a little more age and perspective. It's amazing. http://ashow.zefrank.com/
Depends what you're testing. In the social sciences, .05 is pretty OK. Also depends on the heterogeneity of your sample.
I was just checking the comments and going, 'Seriously?' with everyone saying, 'Just being there for the other person is way more than sex.'
I'm going to leave some hardcore Morris dancing here, just for you: http://www.rathergood.com/morris_dancers
Possibly the mailman is delivering the assault rifles. The most dangerous mail of all . . .
Dude, I know this is a cold topic, but I have to say - how old are you? I ask because you seem to imply that this heartbreak was so devastating that you are psychologically incapable of loving someone else (what with the constant "black, dead thing" remarks).
I'll be in my bunk
Maybe this is just another way that people can seem like insufferable assholes when they brag about how their credit score makes them more dateable? Because nothing says trust and intimacy like having your potential partner run a credit check on you.
That John Mayer/James Franco picture placement just accentuates the fact that they have both made terrible facial hair choices.
I just came here to discuss WTF. I mean, this is absurd. Being lawfully terminated because your boss can't keep it in his pants? I'm not familiar with IR laws in the US (hell, half the time I'm shocked to find you even have them), but this is surely not right. I mean, generally, you can terminate employees only on…
This really isn't about you being frustrated and being "allowed" to show it. This is about you spewing hate-filled invective toward a group of people. While you state "I was not directing anger and hatred towards a singular person" you kind of were toward a group of people - parents whose children suicide.
You reek of someone who does not have any experience with children. So instead of extending you the same incivility that you have extended (and spewing hate and bile punctuated by f-bombs), let me break it down for you:
Seriously? "Science as a woman is a great place to be. "
Even the song (Connie Franics, I believe) sends me into a depression spiral of, 'We're all dying alone.' Damn that episode.
Glenn Beck is offensive, no matter what your political persuasion. He goes out of his way to further marginalise people already suffering. Sponsoring someone who preaches hate is completely a dick move.
Holy shit, Vince Vaughn. Dick move.
Just as a correction, the pictures of "Washington" are actually Sarah Blasko. Both are magnificent. Listen to Sarah Blasko's remorse. Now.